“There cannot be an alliance, even circumstance, with the RN”, affirms Clément Beaune

Solene Delinger
modified to

7:16 p.m., June 22, 2022

Clément Beaune was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the Minister Delegate in charge of Europe affirmed that Renaissance, the presidential party, would not ally itself with the National Rally, of which 89 deputies will sit in the National Assembly. For Clément Beaune, Together! will have to choose the parties with which it wishes to ally itself according to ideological proximities.


National unity, yes, but not with just any party. Invited to the microphone of Europe 1 this Wednesday morning, Clément Beaune rejected the idea of ​​an alliance with the National Rally following the results of the legislative elections. Sunday, June 19, the National Rally achieved an unprecedented breakthrough in the National Assembly with 89 elected deputies.

No “foundation of common ideas with the RN”

Emmanuel Macron spent the day Tuesday consulting with political leaders of opposition groups in the National Assembly. He notably spoke with Marine Le Pen. And, the idea of ​​a “government of national unity” has been mentioned. But, for Clément Beaune, this government can only be formed with certain political parties, of which the National Rally is not a part. “For me, moving forward together means doing it with a base of common values, a base of common projects. It’s not all that confusing. And I think that with the National Rally, there is no not this base of common ideas”, explains the Minister Delegate in charge of Europe at the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk.

Closeness to pro-European socialists and the reformist republican right

Clément Beaune underlines the need to make coherent political choices because “everything is not equal”. “I believe that we will not seek a political agreement. It has been said by others than me. We will not seek a political agreement with the National Rally”, he insists. The Minister Delegate for Europe recalls “his sensitivity from the left”. For him, it will be possible to make alliances with Nupes and the Republican right for economic reforms. “It’s not a scoop, there is more proximity with a pro-European elected socialist or with someone who comes from a sensitivity close to Alain Juppé or Édouard Philippe than with the National Rally” , he concludes.

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