“There have never been such drastic sanctions”

Great Britain:

“Sun”: “Football has finally shown backbone. After days of hesitation and hesitation, the world football association is belatedly standing up for the people of Ukraine and is imposing sporting sanctions on Russia and Belarus.”

“Daily Mail”: “After the weak sanctions on Sunday, the world association is finally taking tough action. FIFA has previously been branded an ‘absolute disgrace’ for not taking action against the Russian President.”

The Times: “Ashamed, FIFA makes a 180-degree turnaround and bans Russia from football.”

“Guardian”: “Football’s most powerful bodies have aligned themselves with the International Olympic Committee and finally acted after days of growing protests.”


“Marca”: “FIFA and UEFA kick Russia out of the race for the World Cup. A crystal clear answer to the invasion of Ukraine. Russian clubs are also excluded from European competitions. International football goes hand in hand and shows solidarity with all those affected in Ukraine.”

“AS”: “FIFA and UEFA are cracking down on Russia and banning all teams from all competitions. On a sporting level, Vladimir Putin is getting the reward for his attack on Ukraine.”


“Gazzetta dello Sport”: “Russia will be excluded from sport. We are truly sorry for the Russian athletes who are innocent victims of their President’s madness. The sanctions weigh heavily on the World Cup and European football.”

“Corriere dello Sport”: “Football is also united against Russia with sanctions that have never been so drastic. All sports organizations are taking action against Russia with an iron grip.”

“Corriere della Sera”: “After initially only banning international matches in Russia, FIFA, after heavy criticism, changed its stance and banned the Russian national team from the World Cup. The association is thus giving in to pressure from the IOC.”

“La Repubblica”: “20 minutes is enough for the decision to exclude Russia from all sports competitions. After 24 hours, FIFA had to turn around after Infantino announced on Sunday that he did not want to exclude the Russians.”


NRC: International football has gone to war sleepily. For the first time ever, the officials together condemn a violent regime. That says a lot about the seriousness of the situation, but also about the customs in top-flight football.”


“Blick”: “All Russian teams are kicked out: football is against Putin. The ban on Russians is the end of a memorable day in which international football still stands up to warmonger Vladimir Putin.

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