There is already a trick to hide Google’s AI search results

Corentin Béchade

May 27, 2024 at 8:51 a.m.


Google's AI responses are already annoying © Marco Lazzarini / Shutterstock

Google’s AI responses are already annoying © Marco Lazzarini / Shutterstock

Google search results powered by AI are barely a few days old and already, Internet users are trying to get rid of it. And their creativity is limitless.

Not even available in France yet, Google’s “AI Overviews” are already causing controversy across the Atlantic. The firm’s artificial intelligence actually spreads fake news by the bucket load without it seeming to worry that much. Some clever people have therefore found a way to make this new functionality disappear to find the good old collection of blue links, synonymous with the Google of yesteryear.

The resistance is organized

As the company announced, the democratization of AI search is also accompanied by a new “web” search filter which allows AI functionalities to be hidden to return to “simple” results with links leading to to sites and nothing more (except advertising). Small problem, this filter is buried within a drop-down menu and therefore not easily accessible.

Enter &udm=14, a new search engine that redirects all requests to the “web” option of the new Google. A simple interface to a “de-AI-ified” Google, the site takes its barbaric name from the search parameter that Google adds to its URLs when Internet users activate the web search filter. Because yes, it’s that simple, if you add “&udm=14” to your Google search address you can completely hide the AI-enhanced results. This site just makes this change automatically.

How to get rid of Google AI automatically?

For those who don’t want to use a Google proxy, there are also browser extensions that do exactly the same thing. Bye Bye, Google AI is for example available on Google Chrome (and therefore on Edge and Opera too) while the simply titled udm14 does the same thing on Firefox.

The more technically savvy can even add the search parameter to their browser themselves. On Chrome, simply go to the browser settings (three dots at the top right), then in the menu Search engine click on Manage the search engine. Then just create a new shortcut with the button Add and paste the following URL in the dedicated field: Then click on Use as default and voila.

On Firefox, simply create a bookmark with the mentioned URL and the keyword “GW” so that all searches preceded by these two small letters bypass Google’s AI.

Obviously, this technique is at the mercy of the slightest change from Google which may decide to delete its web filter or change the name of the search parameter, but all these techniques clearly show that the demand for a web free of AI is there.

Google Gemini (Google Bard)


Google Gemini (Google Bard)

  • A powerful generation model
  • A knowledge base updated in real time
  • Free and integrated into the Google ecosystem

Google Gemini is an AI chatbot intrinsically connected to the web from which it draws the majority of its knowledge. The main advantage of the service is that it is completely free and offers image recognition. The gradual integration into the Google ecosystem should make it a most capable chatbot for a variety of tasks.

Google Gemini is an AI chatbot intrinsically connected to the web from which it draws the majority of its knowledge. The main advantage of the service is that it is completely free and offers image recognition. The gradual integration into the Google ecosystem should make it a most capable chatbot for a variety of tasks.

Source : Ars Technica

Corentin Béchade

A journalist for almost 10 years, I have been in the tech and digital sector since my very first jobs. Tinkerer (a lot), librarian (a little), I developed a specialization in...

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A journalist for almost 10 years, I have been in the tech and digital sector since my very first jobs. Tinkerer (a lot), librarian (a little), I have developed a specialization in the themes of ecology and digital technology as well as the protection of privacy. On weekends I torture Raspberry Pis with lots of 'sudo' commands to relax.

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