“There is everything to do”: LR activists to convince during the states general of the right

Mayalène Trémolet, edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: Serge Tenani / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP
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6:42 p.m., June 17, 2023

The launch day of the states general of the LR took place this Saturday at the Cirque d’hiver in Paris. The aim was to launch a six-month cycle to revive the right and set a clear line to bring activists together. A goal that is struggling to be achieved, according to several supporters met by Europe 1.

Republican activists came from all over to attend the launch day of the general assembly of the party. This took place this Saturday at the Cirque d’hiver in Paris to try to launch a six-month cycle to revive the right and set a clear line to bring together LR activists. Roch, 22, made the trip from Nantes and for him, the tenors of the party must redefine their line, with several criteria: “Meet the expectations of the French, that we reconnect to our original line, and that we stop to go in all directions, stop having fun and go in 50 different shades.”

Claude, 65 years old and carded for more than 15 years, especially hopes for a succession, to save a party which she says is “aging”. “Society has changed a lot, Les Républicains must get up to date with young people who could take over,” she says, stressing that the current leaders are no longer 35 years old…

Speeches that struggle to convince

The leaders, moreover, want a more driving and realistic party. The President of the Senate Gérard Larcher and the President of the party Éric Ciotti follow one another, the speeches follow one another, punctuated by round tables, guests, announcements… But for Marthe, the challenge is not completely met. “The right today has become a small political family, and there is a huge challenge,” she said.

This activist met by Europe 1 remains skeptical about these speeches. “In the way they presented things, they give the impression of not having sufficiently perceived how much there is to rebuild, there is everything to do.” The states general of the right should last six months throughout the territory, starting with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, that of Laurent Wauquiez.

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