"There is not only the other": this joke on François Hollande which annoys Valérie Trierweiler: Current Woman The MAG

Too much is great for Valerie Trierweiler! Six years after the publication of the photos of François Hollande in full adultery with Julie Gayet, the journalist is tired of being questioned about this story. If since she found love again in the arms of a certain Romain Magellan, she no longer wishes to evoke her very media break. Member in The Big Heads on RTL, however, she has to face the comments of her comrades, always amused by the memories of her romance with the former President of the Republic.

If she is the first to throw small spades at her ex, who now spins the perfect love with Julie Gaye, she saw red when she was told about him, Monday, December 14, 2020. While the merry gang evokes Christophe Dominici, the 55-year-old journalist said: "My darling is a rugby consultant!" Laurent Ruquier didn't need more to grab the pole: "You like men who are above the fray". "Here it is! But he was in the fray", she began by responding without understanding the hint of the host of We're almost live.

The funny reason why Valerie Trierweiler does not want to introduce her companion

Before this one continues his allusion: "Even if there is one whose essay hasn't been transformed." A remark that amused the whole team, unlike Valerie Trierweiler who has turned the page for a while. "You saw the boys, I still try to say at times that it's not just the other. That it wasn't just the other, that I rebuilt my life! We always come back to it … ", she lamented. While her comrades shared their desire to meet her new companion, Valérie Trierweiler concluded: "I'd rather not introduce him. I don't want to bring him, he's too good-looking!"

Very in love with the athlete, the journalist confided in the columns of Paris Match putting "years" to regain self-confidence after her very media break. Before adding: "When you've been left like I have been, trusting a man again takes time ". However, when she meets Romain Magellan for the first time, this one is not a heart to take: "He was not free and I did not want to make a woman go through what I had gone through: to take the front page of a tabloid in the face! That's why he did things in order. We took our time because we knew it was a real story ", she confided later to She.

Read also : François Hollande unfaithful to Julie Gayet? He makes a radical decision