There is resistance – woman wants to buy the oldest church in Graz

For cost reasons, the Diocese of Graz-Seckau is selling the Stiegenkirche, the oldest church in the Styrian capital. There is an interested party. But there is resistance within the diocese.

Its church tower rises up hidden behind a row of houses in the old town, the sacred space is entered through a characteristic staircase from Sporgasse: The Stiegenkirche is not only a special feature as the oldest church in Graz (1343) – it has also been at the top of the diocesan church for a long time Sales list of places of worship in Styria. Because it is as certain as the Amen in prayer that not every sacred building in the country can be preserved. If the number of believers decreases, the income also decreases, and this is also urgently needed for maintenance.”The topic is emotionally very difficult”Now the diocese of Graz-Seckau has found a possible private buyer: a woman who owns the church also wants to receive as such. Of course, not everyone would be happy with the sale of church property, but there is resistance within the diocese. “The interest of private and Christian sister churches with space requirements for branch churches is there, but the topic is emotionally very difficult,” admits Thomas Stanzer, spokesman for Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl. It is clear: there are complex test procedures because the Vatican has made it clear that one should not simply “profane” churches, i.e. allow them to be used outside of the church. “Of course, we would like to see further church use.” So the process is still ongoing!
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