“There was blood everywhere”: a student found stabbed to death in his home

Valentin’s body was discovered on Saturday March 4 in his room on 16e district of Paris by firefighters. An investigation has been opened.

By Valentin Dechambre for Le Point

Valentin, 21, was found dead in his bedroom on Saturday. (Illustrative photo)

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Shis relatives had been worried for several days not to have heard from him. Valentin, 21, was found dead in the bedroom of his Parisian home located in the 16e borough, Saturday March 4, according to information from the Parisian. The student was stabbed to death, presumably with a knife, according to the newspaper. An investigation for intentional homicide was opened and was entrusted to the criminal brigade.

For two days, the young man had not answered calls from his family. “The kid is not from here,” said a neighbor, before continuing: “He comes from the countryside. His family does not live nearby. On Saturday March 4, relatives of Valentin contacted the fire department. When the emergency services arrive on the spot, they notice “traces of blood on the front door”, but the apartment does not show any signs of the break-in. After opening the door, they discover the body of the young man. “There was blood everywhere”, informs a witness. In the student’s room, “broken objects” were found.

“A young man without history”

Valentin’s body presents “a rigor mortis which dates his death back to Thursday morning”, explains a source in the columns of the daily newspaper. At this stage of the investigation, the motive for the crime remains unclear. “He is a young man apparently without history”, indicates a judicial source. Nicknamed “the little student” by the other inhabitants of the building, Valentin was unanimous. “We saw each other very little, because her schedules at the faculty did not correspond with mine, but we discussed from time to time”, assures one of her neighbors. The inquest will have to determine the circumstances of the death.

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