There’s a really unexpected weapon in the Star Wars The Acolyte series

The new series Star Wars The Acolyte will highlight a little-known weapon from the lore: the laser whip. This type of weaponry exists in the extended universe, and has for decades.

We cannot say that the new series The Acolyte is not looking for a certain originality: a yellow lightsaber, a Wookie Jedi, atypical hunters… and now a lightsaber. In a recent trailer, released on May 18, we can see a Jedi wielding a flexible weapon, with a strap made of energy. The scene is fleeting: the weapon is drawn, lit and suddenly, it is about to snap.

In the main works of the saga Star Wars, especially films, this type of weaponry is rather rare. We certainly have some notable features, such as Darth Maul’s double lightsaber or Count Dooku’s curved butt. Or even the strange black saber, in the series The Mandalorianor the sword of Talzin, in Ahsoka.

Source: Lucasfilm
A weapon that snaps. // Source: Lucasfilm

Yes, the laser whip exists (and has for a long time)

We are less accustomed to coming across much more exotic equipment. Or rather, you have to take a look at the extended universe, particularly its canon version, to discover a more varied arsenal. However, there are many laser whips in Star Wars. This is confirmed by reputable online encyclopedias like HoloNet and Wookiepedia.

Series The Acolyte will be broadcast exclusively on Disney+, from June 4, 2024. The streaming service is available from 5.99 euros per month, or from 29.99 euros per month with the Canal + Ciné Séries offer.

In the canon version of the extended universe, the laser whip is used during the so-called High Republic period, a period which extends from -300 to -100 years before the Battle of Yavin (year zero of the saga). However, like the series The Acolyte happens about a century before The Phantom Menacethe presence of the weapon is consistent.

young laser whipyoung laser whip
The laser whip, which also serves as a source of lighting. // Source: Star Wars

The laser whip is notably used in the series The High Republic and the novels A Test of Courage, The Trompe-la-mort tower, Out of the Shadows, Disaster Mission, Brave the Storm, among others. This will be the first time that we will see this weapon in a live production.

Several Internet users noted this detail in the trailer, sometimes with a certain propensity for mockery. “ The laser whip is such a great weapon that 100 years later, no Jedi use it anymore “, said one. “ Herbert’s Lightsaber Appears in New Acolyte Trailer “, said another.

Lumiya LightwhipLumiya Lightwhip
Lumiya, with the very first appearance of the laser whip. // Source: Star Wars

Others are annoyed by the lack of enthusiasm of part of the public, who are quick to constantly criticize everything. Some also point out that the principle of the laser whip is far from being a novelty in Star Wars. Thus, the first mention of this type of weapon dates back to February 1985, in a comic book featuring Luke Skywalker.

In the comics, young Luke faces a certain Lumiya, presented as the dark lady of the Sith. And, already, the protagonist featured a laser whip, made up of a Kaiburr crital and Mandalorian iron (the famous beskar, which is used in the Mandalorian’s armor). In short, it’s an element of lore almost forty years old.

For further

The Acolyte // Source: LucasfilmThe Acolyte // Source: Lucasfilm

Source: Numerama EditingSource: Numerama Editing

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