These 10 habits to forget if you want to be a “good parent”

Being a good parent is not that easy! An educator specializing in child-parent relationships reveals the 10 habits that should definitely not be applied on a daily basis if you want to educate your child(ren) in the right way.

Becoming a parent is a complex matter, in fact, it is not limited to giving birth to a child, but to embracing your role as a parent in its entirety. Raising a human requires responsibility, conscience, but also kindness and love. It is difficult to define exactly what a good parent is since there are 1000 different ways of living a parent-child relationship, yet we ask ourselves thousands of questions about the education of our children: what is the ideal time to go to bed ? What to do when you find yourself in disagreement with your partner? Should we punish or reward our child after a good or bad action?

Despite everything, it is important to know that no parent is perfect! We do the best we can to transmit and educate our children so that they achieve a certain sense of autonomy and can stand on their own two feet. So, if you are still wondering how to succeed in being a better parent, an early childhood specialist and educator commends this state of mind since it allows you to question yourself and improve. She also shares 10 bad habits to avoid if you want to educate your child the right way, here they are!

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Comparing your child to others

This is advice that may seem logical, but yet many parents compare their children to others without realizing it. Indeed, a parent needs to know where their child is in relation to the development skills of others yet it is important to remember that each child is different and that they develop at their own pace. While some are more comfortable with numbers, others with language, and still others with logic, they are all completely unique.

Overload him with activities

Even if you want to offer and give every opportunity and possibility to your child so that he can develop, overloading him with activities of all kinds is not the solution. This can lead to pressure, stress as well as mental exhaustion. So no more Wednesday afternoons or weekends of piano lessons, football, tennis and drawing, give them free time to enjoy and do what they like and what they want.

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Don’t listen to them

For your child to thrive in life, it is important to really listen to them. Understand him and accept who he is to help him build good self-esteem and a healthy living environment. It also helps create a stronger parent-child bond and allows them to feel secure.

Shout to impose your point of view

Who has never raised their voice at their child? We are human and this can happen to us, but to be a better parent you have to be careful not to automatically shout as soon as you don’t like something. It is important to know how to be respected out of love and not out of fear.

Neglect to compliment them and highlight them

Little sentences like ” I’m proud of you “ Or “I love the way you handled this problem» are phrases that are easy to say, but very often neglected by parents. Not forgetting to compliment your child or let him know when he has done something good will allow him to grow up with more self-confidence and fulfillment. But be careful to find a good balance, because complimenting your child too much can also be counterproductive.

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Overprotect him

If it’s hard to let a child make their own mistakes, that’s exactly what you should do! By overprotecting him, you risk hindering his development and learning as well as stifling his curiosity and creativity. So, let him fall to get up better, he will learn lessons.

Allowing him to spend too much time in front of screens

Screens represent a modern-day scourge for our children. Numerous studies show that our children spend far too much time in front of screens and for good reason many parents use these gadgets as babysitters to keep their toddler quiet. However, specialists recommend setting limits on screens while being consistent about the rules imposed.

Being inconsistent

Consistency is one of the three pillars of education for the specialist. If you decide that bedtime is 8 p.m. on weekdays and 10 p.m. on weekends, it’s important to stick to that so it’s not confusing for them. And it’s the same thing for discipline, a rule must be respected for your child to feel safe.

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Not spending one-on-one time with your children

Educating a child also involves building a strong bond with them. How can we build this bond if not by spending precious moments together? So even if you are sucked into your daily life, don’t let these concerns distract you from the present moment.

Ignoring your own needs

Finally, if you want to be a “good parent”, it is important to take care of yourself! Don’t feel guilty if you take time for yourself, to recharge your batteries or to have fun, it’s important to know how to release the pressure to get back in even better shape!

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