These 11 Mother Types Crack Down on Parent Groups

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All the mothers have already found themselves in conversation groups with other mothers and each one has different particularities… So, do you recognize yourself?

To find a little support or to have valuable information, conversation groups between parents have been flourishing more and more in recent years. Whether on social networks or on mailboxes, each mother has surely already found herself in one of these groups. And it can be useful, if you are part of the group of moms in your city or parents of students at school, you can collect a lot of important information there.

And in this kind of group, there are typical profiles that often come up… On Tik Tok, @amyjosimpson has divided the mothers into 11 standard profiles and it is rather close to reality. You will surely recognize yourself in one of them or even think of one of your friends… Whether it’s the stressed mother, or conversely very zen, all profiles are scrutinized by Amy-Jo Simpson, mother of two children. So which of these 11 profiles do you recognize yourself in?

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The 11 typical profiles of mothers in parent groups

  1. The mother stressed
  2. A mother who has 5 children and an important job but who claims to manage everything
  3. The mother who knows all dates for school
  4. The mother Zen who does not understand what is happening
  5. The mom who always asks if someone’s gone with her child’s belongings
  6. The mom who never reads school emails and inquires only about the group
  7. The mom who send emojis instead of words
  8. The mother who adores make dramas to create separation in the group
  9. The mother head of parents who organizes absolutely everything
  10. The mother who is not there only for wine
  11. The mother silent

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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