These 15 underrated signs that prove she’s a real friend

True friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. As we grow up, we truly understand the meaning of this phrase and can confirm it. Here are 15 signs that this person is a true friend.

It’s easy to have people around us, but real friends become rarer, especially as we grow up. Indeed, middle and high school years, when you could be friends with around twenty people are over. Only the best remained, and somehow, so much the better. It is a sign of a true friendship, which has stood the test of time, and which has become hardened.

There are obviously several qualities that define a true friend: her loyalty, her support, her trust, etc., etc. But certain, more subtle signs can also indicate a solid friendship. And these are to be taken into account when you ask yourself if a person is really a friend to you, a real. Here are the 15 signs that were listed by the American site Huff Post, to check if they are truthful within your friendly relationship.

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These 15 Subtle Signs Prove This Person Is a True Friend

1. She is there for you, even if you didn’t ask her
2. She knows your weird sides, and loves you anyway
3. She gives you advice, but still respects your choices
4. She lets you breathe when you need to
5. She is honest (but not hurtful)
6. She knows your limits and acts according to them
7. She knows your house by heart
8. She doesn’t get offended when you don’t talk to her for a while…
9. And when you talk again, everything picks up where you left off
10. She makes you laugh, even when things aren’t going well

11. She knows you so much that she knows when something is wrong
12. She takes care of your friendship and cherishes it
13. There is no awkward silence between you
14. There is no money issue between you (who paid more than the other, etc.)
15. She stays by your side even when you disagree
Bonus: she doesn’t criticize you and defends you if she hears someone criticizing you.


Originally from Toulouse, I moved to Cannes in 2021. It is therefore very close to the sea and palm trees that I have been writing for Au Féminin since 2022. Accustomed to…

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