these 2 advices if you are always dressed by bad people, according to a therapist

Are you trying to entangle disastrous relationships? A couples therapist will give you two steps to follow to end this negative cycle.

If you follow the repeat patterns within the framework of your romantic relationships and you are always dressed by people who are not meant for you, you are definitely the source of the problemaccording to a couples therapist. In effect, this means that you ignore all the red flags (red flags in French) that you see. You put them side by side expecting them to have no problem with the relationship.

But it is generally a bad choice. In effect, the longer the time passes and the more the reports with your mouse have tended to deteriorate, when you are trapped in a toxic relationship. How to sort this negative spiral? Here are two tips to follow to create harmonious relationships.

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Request comments from your entourage

We all have personal perception of the events. Certain things that we have occasionally experienced in the course of our relationship may have been perceived differently by us. It is possible that you have already taken action or of contributions to your partner, by email. Someone nearby could also explain to you that, contrary to what you think, the problem has disappeared for you.

Obtaining comments on your past relationships allows you to adjust certain ways of responding when you meet a new person. Relations coach, Julie Nise says on this subject: “We have all our points of view – what we think, what we believe, what we know, and they may or may not be exact. So I think that when it comes to changing models and not repeating the things we have done in the past, a very good point is that you should get comments (on your interactions with your partner, ndlr) .”

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Communicate with your partner

If you have found love, avoid repeating the same mistakes by simply saying things when you notice something that you don’t like. Do not ignore the red flags and put the things flat. Communication is important, in this case.

By discussing with your partner and pointing out possible points of disagreement, you may also find a solution that suits each party. You strengthen your relationship, for the same reason.

Actus Editorial

A freelance editor for several years, I am passionate about film, series and drama. Curiously, I come across social issues every day, issues related to current human life, and…

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