These 2 personalities are the most hated in the entire Universe, according to a famous magazine (and they are two women)

This year 2024, two women stand out in the ranking of the most hated personalities in the universe. A surprising fact given the number of men accused of sexual and domestic violence.

Movement #MeeToo has brought to light many (too many) testimonies from women who accuse men of sexual violence. In 2024, certain personalities are now associated with these scandals like Gérard Depardieu, Sébastien Cauet and Gérard Miller. But despite these very serious accusations, women continue to be mostly hated throughout the world.

This is what the American site highlighted Ranker, specialized in surveys. In an Instagram publication, the media Chat indicates that more than 30,000 people voted on the site Ranker to elect the two most hated personalities in the world. And it is about two women.

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The two most hated personalities in the universe

So, the most hated personalities in the universe are Amber Heard And Meghan Markle. “P. Diddy, Bill Cosby, Chris Brown and even Woody Allen, men accused of gender-based and sexual violence or child crime find themselves, far, far behind them in the ranking”, regrets the media Causette. Who then adds: “When it comes to hating women, everyone seems to agree on putting them at the top of the basket. And in the so-called little game of media court, women never win.”

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But what exactly do Amber Heard and Meghan Markle have in common? They are both seen as manipulative and lying women who attempted to manipulate public opinion. Maybe their profession as an actress doesn’t work in their favor. Men are doing much better.

Two women considered manipulative by Internet users

As a reminder, Amber Heard received a wave (or rather a tsunami) of hatred on social networks because of her lawsuit with her ex-husband Johnny Depp whom she accused of “constant physical and sexual violence”. But publicly attacking Johnny Depp was a risky bet since most Internet users immediately sided with him. As a result, Amber Heard is the big loser in this story and if she has gained notoriety, her image has taken a big hit.

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As for Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s wife is simply accused of manipulating her husband and being the reason for his falling out with the English royal family. Meghan Markle is known to be an extremely intelligent woman who would have planned everything that is happening now. Info or misinformation, Internet users don’t care and it’s easier to hate Meghan Markle, who just like Amber Heard seems too intelligent to be honest. As the media points out Chat, men who are accused by many women for very serious offenses fare much better. Which begs the question: why is it easier to hate women so much?

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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