these 2 questions to ask yourself to detect the first signs of the disease

In his book How to Prevent Dementia, a neurologist, Dr. Richard Restak, revealed that there are two sets of questions to ask to detect the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease or any other dementia in a person. Here they are !

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in France and in the world. In 2020, nearly a million people were affected in France, or around 8% of the population over 65, when worldwide 55 million people are affected. Although around 220,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the country, you should know that Alzheimer’s disease represents more than 70% of all neurodegenerative diseases among the elderly.

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Disease characterized by “ a progressive loss of memory and certain intellectual (cognitive) functions leading to repercussions in the activities of daily life » as the Ministry of Health and Prevention explains, it unfortunately remains very little diagnosed. Indeed, according to the PAQUID study, only 1 in 2 dementias are diagnosed in France at all stages, while only 1 in 3 cases are recognized for mild stages. So how can you determine if someone close to you is actually suffering from this condition? A neurologist gives some ideas.

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Alzheimer’s: how to detect the disease according to a neurologist

It’s in his book How to prevent dementia that Dr. Richard Restak, neurologist, revealed his tips for detecting the first signs of the likely onset of Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia in a loved one. The doctor explains that every person who reaches adulthood follows a regular pattern, behaviors and predictability that most loved ones can recognize. For the specialist, this is where attention must be focused. He explains that when we notice changes in these patterns, that’s when we can turn on an alarm about the signs of dementia.

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Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias represent disruptions to this regularity and predictability», he confirms. He therefore recommends asking two sets of questions to people who suspect the first signs of dementia:

  • Is the person showing a change in their usual behavior? Does the person have recent memory difficulties? Are they showing a noticeable change in their usual behavior?
  • If the answer to any of the previous questions is yes, does this change in behavior interfere with daily life, especially in relationships with others?

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What if the answers were yes?

For the specialist, it is important to note that a “Dramatic or out-of-the-ordinary behavior is always suspect, because, as mentioned, most people, by adulthood, have established a distinct behavioral repertoire. »So any repetitive or excessive expressions such as shouting or aggressive behavior during aging should not be taken lightly since they can be“frequent and serious» in people with dementia.

Dr. Richard Restak says that if you answered “Yes» to the two series of questions that were asked previously is that a “dementia or psychiatric illness (most likely severe depression) is highly likely“. It is then advisable to consult a general practitioner as soon as possible to determine if this is really the case and thus prepare for what may follow. However, he indicates that the people who responded “No» to the first question about usual behavior changes, but “Yes» to memory loss most likely suffer »mild cognitive impairment (MCI)» or nothing too bad.

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