These 2 squares of radiance immediately give a young touch to your face after 50 years

Our soaps, our hair cuts play on our beauty. And after 50 years, certain hairstyles are more advantageous than others. To help you in your choice, we will show you 2 different squares which will give you an instant shake.

As the years go by, our physique changes, especially our face. And surely, we hope to march back and removes rough and matte skin that our planes were in our 20s. Are you considering a surgical procedure? A lift that will cost you much better? Don’t worry, it won’t be of any use to you to come here. The haircuts immediately give you a young cut. To you more peps for your beauty.

Simple tips are to be adopted to remove age marks from the face. Cosmetic products with a sticky effect are not negligible. There are also makeup techniques that can enhance your look with the right choice of color and edges to put on front. Just, the color of the hair is also a means of coloring. But not that! Certain cuts are privileged. The voices.

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The bob was blown to the increasing effect

No need to put a few cents in to reduce the age effects on your face. A job around your haircut will be enough to straighten it out immediately. A square is particularly privileged, the bob ebouriffed. This hairstyle aura to enhance your movement, volume and illuminate the shape of your features. How to get this new one? Here are some details.

The sleek bob will give you the ultimate style in elegance. Right from the start, the length of this hairstyle stops at menton or a little underclothes. And the punchy touch is found in the pan. He must have too many couches, not too long ones, everything melts in the mixture. Result, you control the volume and movement of your hair. Your face will be soft and bright.

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The asymmetrical bob for more bangs

If this first square seems quite simple to you, there is another bob that will give you even more of an increasing effect on your body. Pour accentuate the rock’n’roll and funky touchit is enough to add to your square, to the shape of your hairstyle, a little less conventional. The result, this innovation will give you pep and style all the way up to your age. With this result, you will not pass unnoticed.

This square is the asymmetrical bob. Another thing is, instead of having the same length on the entire shape of your hair, explain to your hairdresser that you want a longer side than the other. Well understood, the lens does not have a 10 centimeter difference. A few centimeters, 2 or 3, are enough for get this impressive result immediately. Never mind, if you are not convinced that this new style suits your facial features, seek advice from an expert, such as a hairdresser-makeup artist.

Actus Editorial

Physically well, mentally well, sexology, feminism, education, psychology, politics… Discover with Léna a welcoming and resourceful universe through her shares on AuFéminin. Aware of the importance of maintaining balance…

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