these 3 astro signs are the most affected

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From December 30, 2022 to January 19, 2023, Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn. This important event has a greater impact on certain astrological signs.

Mercury retrograde. This is a term that scares everyone, whether you are into astrology or not. This planet retrogrades about three times a year. Why do we use the term “retrograde”? In the sky, seen from the earth, “the movement of Mercury seems to cross the zodiac backwards”says Sasha Fenton in her book Astrologie chez Albin Michel. “Mercure describes our relationship to knowledge and learning, our modes of communication and exchange”, explains Sophie Hérolt Petitpas in her book Astrocoach. Mercury is the planet of communication, travel, relationships… When this planet retrogrades, it impacts everyone.

This retrograde planet in Capricorn from December 30, 2022 to January 19, 2023. Mercury retrograde marks an opportunity to review something, reflect and analyze more carefully so that you can move forward better afterwards. So, it’s time to take stock, questioning and questioning your personal and professional life… It takes time. Some signs are very patient and could be impacted more negatively than others.

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Signs impacted by retrograde Mercury in Capricorn

This fire sign is one of the most fiery of the zodiac. It’s a sign that likes to move, to move forward, to do, to act… But taking its time is not its forte. For him, to take stock, or introspection is a waste of energy and time. So this “slowing down” implied by Mercury’s retrograde in Capricorn is difficult for him.

This sign needs movement to thrive. He needs to discover new things, to learn, to make plans, to develop new ideas… Patience is not his forte. When Gemini wants something, they have to get it fast. This feeling of slowing down is therefore not to his liking.

The Virgin
Virgo will feel powerless since they won’t have control. This pisses her off because she likes to plan, program, predict… This demotion is ruining her program and she doesn’t like it. She must be patient and above all try to take advantage of this slowness to proceed with introspection.

The Scorpion
Scorpio is good at introspection. But he will have the feeling of being slowed down by Mercury, which is retrograding. This might annoy him and he could give in to nervousness. He must arm himself with patience to get through this period in the best possible way. He who is gifted to reflect on himself and his actions, he must take advantage of this moment to do so.

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