These 3 indestructible flowers are ideal for gardening beginners (be careful, they are planted before summer)

There’s nothing better than pretty flowers in your garden to keep things fresh! But you still need to know which ones to choose when you are new to gardening… To help you, here are all our tips in terms of maintenance and flower selection.

Better than a simple bouquet of flowers, which we are always delighted to put in a vase to brighten up our interior, the flower garden has the advantage of having a great longevity while creating a natural cocoon at home which helps to improve his well-being. It is scientifically proven by numerous studies, nature softens morals and mood. All you need to do is take a walk in the forest, or even in a garden, to reduce your stress considerably.

If you are not used to planting flowers, it can however be complicated to embark on the floral adventure… Indeed, some can wither and lose all their splendor from the first rains while others will completely dry out from the first strong summer heat. However, you can work miracles and create a pretty flower garden by following a few simple rules.

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Some tips for caring for your flowers in fine weather

While the sun is back and it’s raining less (finally!), The first instinct, to protect your flowers, is often to water them much more than usual. In reality, you really need to dose this watering because the number 1 risk is to rot the plants. which cannot tolerate excess water. And here you are with all faded flowers! Must therefore water slowly but surelyby first observing the dryness of the soil and waiting for the water to penetrate gradually, thus avoiding any overflow.

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It is also important to prune your plants regularly because, with the summer weather, they tend to grow suddenly and in an anarchic manner. By cutting them a little, you will give them back great vigor and increase the longevity of your flowers. This is particularly the case for certain summer climbers, such as bougainvillea, which can gain several meters in a few weeks of good weather. By trimming them regularly, you will give them a boost exactly as is the case for your hair when you go to have the ends cut at the hairdresser.

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Resistant flowers to favor

Fortunately for novice gardeners, and those who don’t necessarily have a green thumb, some flowers require a minimum of maintenance, even during the summer. You just need to water them from time to time, they don’t need more. They are in fact particularly robust, resisting more easily the increase in temperatures and the intense summer sun.
If you plant the following three flowers before summer, you will have a beautiful flower garden during the summer, and it won’t take too much effort!

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  • Zinnias (to plant in May)

Allowing air to circulate easily, they are not very prone to disease and their flowers are splendid from spring to fall.

  • Marigolds (to plant from April to May)

Hardy from spring to summer, some varieties can reach a height of 1.5 meters. However, you should avoid excess water when watering them as this makes them more fragile.

  • Cosmos (to plant in May)

Featuring a vibrant purple color, cosmos look a lot like daisies. They grow perfectly in the sun but they need a little shade to be in perfect health.

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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