these 36 departments only have 3 days left to declare their income, are you affected?

The tax declaration campaign for the year 2024 is continuing its course and is slowly coming to an end. While for some the filing deadline has passed, for others there are only a few days left before fulfilling this obligation. Are you affected?

On April 11, French taxpayers are obliged to complete their income tax return for the year 2024 calculated on income for the year 2023. A campaign that many French people fear since for 25% of them it is synonymous with stress. The causes ? The fear of completing this famous declaration by making mistakes, the complexity of the process or even the fear of the amount of tax to pay after calculation. Unfortunately, this tax step is mandatory and concerns all households in the country.

Since the opening of the campaign, the deadlines have been coming one after the other, if on May 21 taxpayers had until 11:59 p.m. to send their declaration in paper version to the administration, online filers have a little extra time. . But be careful, for some it’s already over! Indeed, residents of departments numbered 1 to 19 as well as French people living abroad (non-residents) had until Thursday May 23, 2024 to submit their digital declaration. A date which is also fast approaching for other departments, we tell you everything!

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The departments affected by the next submission deadline

A next deadline is fast approaching in the calendar for filing income tax returns for the year 2024 and it concerns the departments numbered from 20 to 54, Corsica included. This Thursday, May 30, 2024, all residents of the departments concerned have until 11:59 p.m. to fulfill this obligation. You want to know if you are part of the list, here it is: 2A and 2B – Corde-du-Sud and Haute-Corse/21: Côte-d’Or/22: Côtes-d’Armor/23: Creuse/24: Dordogne/25: Doubs/26: Drôme/27: Eure/28: Eure-et-Loir/29: Finistère/30: Gard/31: Haute-Garonne/32: Gers/33: Gironde/34: Hérault/35: Ille-et-Vilaine/36: Indre/37: Indre-et-Loire/38: Isère/39: Jura/40: Landes/41: Loir-et-Cher/42: Loire/43: Haute-Loire/44: Loire-Atlantique/45: Loiret/46: Lot/47: Lot-et-Garonne/48: Lozère/49: Maine-et-Loire/50: Manche/51: Marne/52: Haute-Marne/53: Mayenne/ 54: Meurthe-et-Moselle.

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For the last tranche, the departments going from number 55 to number 95 as well as the overseas departments, they benefit from an additional week with a deadline set for Thursday June 6, 2024 before 11:59 p.m.

What do you risk if you don’t declare on time?

We advise you to be careful to file your declarations on time, a delay can in certain cases be very expensive! In fact, the tax administration has provided for an increase in the amount due depending on the different cases of delay:

  • 10% increase for those who have filed their declaration after the deadline, but before having received the famous formal notice.
  • 20% increase for those who file their declaration within 30 days following receipt of the formal notice.
  • 40% increase for those who have exceeded 30 days after receipt of the formal notice.
  • 80% increase in the event of fraudulent concealment.

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It is important to note that the increase applied is calculated on the total amount of tax due to the tax administration, any deposit or withdrawal already made will not be taken into account.

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