These 4 astrological signs are the most likely of the zodiac

To different degrees, certain words can offend, upset or even hurt. A lot of it depends on your personality or rather your susceptibility. Sometimes, even when walking on eggshells, some people are able to burst into tears at the slightest word that comes out of your mouth. Here are the 4 most likely astrological signs.

The stars determine our personality. Each sign of the zodiac has qualities as well as flaws, sometimes more annoying than others. Susceptibility is part of the human being yet with them, it is more natural than ever. You will see which are the most susceptible astrological signs, but which we adore despite this irritable defect.

Cancer (21/06 – 22/07)

Cancerians are loving, protective and generous. They are endowed with extreme benevolence towards their loved ones and do not hesitate to show their teeth as soon as a person around them is threatened. But they tend to listen too much to their feelings. Sensibility is part of their beauty, however, they use it excessively. Something to irritate more than one of you. Tears are their remedy for stress and they find it very difficult to deal with their emotions.

At the slightest annoyance, Cancerians are able to remain silent for days on end if you’ve had the misfortune to upset them. Of course, they need to be reassured like everyone else, but they feel more the need to pay special attention to them. In addition, Cancerians are capable of being very affectionate, but beware of those who might threaten them.

Scorpio (23/10 – 21/11)

Capable of surmounting winds and tides, not an obstacle can resist it, not a failure nail it to the ground. The Scorpio has a mind of steel which helps him to get up again with each test. Still, Scorpio has a fiery temper and can turn aggressive at times. If a word is not to its liking, this astrological sign is capable of igniting and no longer being master of itself. Being able to be as violent physically as verbally, he blindly follows his instinct and not his reason.

This zodiac sign must learn half measures and moderation. Dialogue will be the best way to get there. Even though Scorpio’s defense system is overreacting, they evolve and learn from their mistakes and can learn to control their passions.

See also: Here are the most manic zodiac signs

Video by Aurore Emonnot

Capricorn (12/22 – 01/19)

Capricorns are also in the game. They are loved by those around them for their determination and ambition. However, very introverted, they face a world filled with pessimism and have the annoying habit of misinterpreting the words addressed to them. Always imagining the worst to happen, Capricorns only confide in loved ones and tend to break their feet. So they have another solution to wait to say what they feel and send spikes to those who would have upset them. Often moody, their susceptibility does not help them fit in easily.

To help them, nothing better than to be patient with them and to show them to see the glass half full to encourage them to be optimistic. It’s up to you, dear Capricorns, to turn negativity into positivity and the result will only be beneficial.

Pisces (02/20 – 03/20)

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Behind his great capacity for empathy and his dedication to those close to him, the Pisces is very susceptible. Far from being as angry as the previous signs, he will show you that you have offended him by a technique all his own: ignorance. Without blaming you, Pisces will prefer to run away from you rather than make a scene. However, don’t count on them to speak to you again.

A word of advice, do not discuss thorny topics with them and avoid criticism. You risk driving them away from you. As for Pisces, it would be better to use the dialogue on the run and put water in their wine. To swim in happiness, all you have to do is curb your hypersensitivity by taking a step back.

Lea Lecuyer

Lifestyle editor, Léa enlightens you on news related to well-being. From psychology to sexuality via fashion or cooking, she decodes just for …