These 5 Common Mistakes When Women Fall in Love (And Which Often Break Their Hearts)

During the first stages of a meeting, it may happen that we ignore certain red flags. And that can lead to a painful breakup. Here are 5 things to avoid when love shows up.

Finding a partner and living a beautiful story is a desire that many share. Despite everything, it often takes several tries before finding the right fit. It must be said that it happens that thewe focus on the bad things during the first moments of a meeting. And usually things end badly.

To avoid finding yourself in a painful situation, it is important to pay attention to certain signs and character traits of your potential partner. Indeed, ignoring it could result in a broken heart. so here’s mistakes to no longer make.

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1. Fall in love with potential

When you meet someone, you can quickly imagine yourself in a romantic relationship with that person. But sometimes it happens that we focus a little too much on the potential that this individual represents and project ourselves with this idealized version that we have. Of course, this can only lead to failure. This relationship is only based on a projection of what the person could be and not what they really are.

2. Ignoring Signs of Manipulation

It’s also important to watch out for toxic behaviors like manipulation. For example, a person who always brings up our insecurities and says negative things about us in the form of jokes is not in the right. This is not an acceptable attitude because it destroys self-confidence and creates a climate of insecurity.

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3. Focus only on the physical

If it happens that it is physical appearance that leads to a first approach, it is not everything in the long term. It’s important to make sure you can have deep, honest conversations with your partner. For a relationship to last and flourish, you need to be able to feel confident and secure in these kinds of moments.

4. Choose a person who does not stimulate you

In a relationship, it is important to create a bond with your partner and to always nourish them to evolve. Sense of humor, intelligence, resilience… Make sure that the person you choose stimulates you and helps you get through difficult challenges with more ease. So, finding friendship at the same time as love can allow you to create a relationship that will last for many years.

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5. Not communicating about sex

For many people, sexuality is an important part of a relationship. It is therefore essential to be able to approach the subject freely. You must be able to discuss your desires while respecting everyone’s consent and limits. This way, you will ensure that you create a strong intimacy that will strengthen your relationship.


Passionate about issues of feminism and society, Allison puts her pen to work on current affairs for Aufeminin. It covers a wide range of themes to provide you with…

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