these 5 mistakes that almost all separated women regret

Life as a couple requires making concessions and requires real involvement. But the efforts of each partner are not always enough to avoid separation. Here are five mistakes that almost all divorced women regret.

The majority of people aspire to build a stable, serene and fulfilling life as a couple. Having children can also be an important project to undertake, although it is notable that not everyone wants to become a parent. Forming a couple requires constant personal and emotional work. It is necessary to be empathetic, to put yourself in the shoes of your other half to support them and support them effectively on a daily basis.

It requires effort, a certain commitment. However, it can happen that the years, events, or simply life separate two people who loved each other madly. Harmony then gives way to disputes, to discord.., until living together is simply no longer possible. Separation or divorce remains the only alternative. A large number of women who have experienced this type of difficult situation regret having made the five mistakes that we will detail in this article. Don’t hesitate to take notes!

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Do not be accompanied

Divorces are painful and difficult events to manage, whether emotionally, legislatively or administratively. They can be even more complicated when the spouses have had children. Indeed, problems of custody and parental authority arise in these cases. Women sometimes find themselves alone and helpless faced with all these new situations to manage. Well, that’s what they think. Because nothing stops them from surrounding themselves with professionals to get through these challenges with more serenity. First of all, hiring a lawyer is necessary to ensure the division of property in the most equitable way possible. They will help you determine the amount of alimony, if necessary, and will prevent you from making mistakes that will harm you.

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Calling on a mediator also helps to smooth things over when relations between the two former partners are complicated. This professional will help you tackle the most delicate topics and put everything on the table. To better cope with your divorce, on an emotional level, Don’t hesitate to call on a therapist or life coach. While your friends and loved ones are good supports during this ordeal, they are far from impartial. The therapist will help you verbalize what you feel, and you will get through this ordeal with the right cards in hand.

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Let things drag on

When two people divorce, they may agree on many things when the process was started. Then, as time passes, certain clauses or certain requests may no longer suit them. If your spouse is postponing mediation meetings, or certain appointments with lawyers, or postponing signing divorce documents until later, you should not let things stand.

Indeed, this procrastination can be a sign of bad will, which aims to make you relent on certain requests or decisions. However, if you separate, it is not for nothing. You can rely on your lawyer, to remind you of legal deadlines, for example, or on your therapist to remain firm on your positions. This is where getting help makes sense and is extremely useful.

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Allowing yourself to be dominated by your emotions

When we separate, the emotional factor must necessarily be taken into account. Everyone experiences the loss of a relationship in their own way. However, it is important not to let yourself be overwhelmed by your emotions, so that dialogue remains possible between each party. When a woman is too angry or too sad, she may refuse any discussion. However, this could harm him.

It is necessary to listen to everyone’s requests to be able to provide an answer. Don’t let your emotions get in the way during this ordeal. Calling on a mediator allows emotions to be put at bay and can be a tool for reestablishing dialogue. Don’t neglect this option!

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Hiding things from your children

Many mothers will tend to avoid subjects and believe that it is preferable not to talk to their children about the divorce. But they are making a serious mistake. The more children know what it is, the more reassured they are. It is also necessary to remind them that the separation is not their fault and that each parent loves them.

They may ask questions about the situation and worry about the future. Answer their questions as honestly as possible. You will quickly find that they are able to hear things. The fact that you are honest with them will also strengthen their trust in their mother. Finally, an important point: avoid saying bad things about your former partner in front of them. You can confide in your therapist or friends if you have things to say.

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Getting into a relationship too soon

Some women can’t stand living alone. They are not going to give themselves time to get better and mourn their marriage. To avoid enduring moments of loneliness, they will start seeing another man too quickly. It’s not a good idea.

It takes time to successfully integrate this new part of your life. Before you can welcome a new man into your life, you must first put yours in order. By giving yourself time to heal from your wounds, you will learn to love yourself again. What is important before you jump into a new relationship.

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Freelance editor for several years, I am passionate about cinema, series and news. Curious, I tackle social issues every day, topics related to celebrity news,…

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