These 8 unsuspected pleasures of retirement that only retired people can understand

We can well imagine that being retired brings intense happiness and immense joys. HackSpirit has listed 8 elements that enhance the daily lives of those who have (finally) retired from the job market.

The term “retirement” comes from the Latin. It means “to pull back, to withdraw”, terms which are themselves derivatives of “to drag”. What could be more appropriate to describe this period of rest after active life, these long days of doing only what we want, of taking time, time for oneself, of devoting oneself to passions that We didn’t suspect ourselves when the hustle and bustle of professional life took precedence over everything?

Reading, watching series, or the joy of taking a walk are some of the undeniable pleasures afforded by retirement. HackSpirit counted precisely 8 of them. And the freedom to use your time is of course one of the number one pleasures of retirement. According to the magazine, no longer being tied to strict work schedules and being able to live at your own pace without worrying about waking up time is the privilege of middle age that has the greatest liberating effect.

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Retirement: the opportunity to discover yourself

Painting, sculpture, reading, writing…Having time for yourself also allows you to have the joy of reconnecting with old passions buried too long in the mud of daily tasks. There is no age to develop your creativity. Nor is there any way to discover the world, another of the great pleasures of retirees, who can travel at any time of year they wish without suffering from the peak periods of school holidays.

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The magazine highlights that retirement is also an opportunity to build deeper relationships. “ Throughout our working lives, we often find ourselves too busy to truly maintain our relationships with family and friends., he notes. When the time comes to have time, on the contrary, there is no more pretext for not finding this sister that you had neglected so much. Your free time can also be used to show your generosity. Many retirees thus engage in volunteer work to give back a little of what they have received in the past.

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Time for yourself, an undeniable advantage of retirement

The sixth pleasure of retirement is undeniably that of living at your own pace. By this term we mean drinking your coffee without looking at your watch, spending an entire afternoon in your garden, or even reading a novel all night without worrying about being tired the next day. What better ?

Finally, retirement also allows you to live by yourself and for yourself, taking more care of your health and well-being. Without the stress of work and its demands, you have more time for yourself, as well as establishing and sticking to a healthy diet. In the same vein, you can go for a walk or play sports whenever you want. By ricochet effect, living in a healthy body will also allow you to improve your mental health. So many benefits to retirement. Why don’t we all go there now?

Camille Bonvalet has an interest in societal subjects and feminist issues. She is also passionate about literature. Versatile, she appreciates the prose of Flaubert as much as that of Michel…

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