these 9 very trendy cuts make you look 10 years younger

After 40, a woman often needs to use little tricks to look younger and haircuts are one of them. So here are 9 haircuts that rejuvenate the face and are therefore perfect after 40.

Haircuts are very important to look younger! Indeed, when a woman gets older, her beauty must also evolve. Thus, it is recommended to follow some tips regarding makeup which can make you look younger as well as older. And the same goes for haircuts. Hairdressing experts know very well the haircuts that best suit women after 40, since they offer the double advantage of hiding fine and brittle hair and adding natural volume to the hair.

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And the good news is that there’s never a bad time to consider changing your hairstyle and trying something that makes you look and feel your best. Whether you are a fan of long hair, short hair or a style in between, there is a haircut that should please you. So here it is nine flattering haircuts that make you look 10 years younger.

1. The asymmetrical bob

The bob is probably THE trendiest hairstyle of the year. Especially since it is available in numerous variations. The asymmetrical bob is a cousin of the classic bob but here, we change only one thing, namely the symmetry.

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Indeed, to obtain an asymmetrical bob you just need one side to be longer than the other. We then obtain a new style which is just perfect. Simply style your hair with a side part, especially if you don’t want to shorten the length of your hair but just want to adopt a unique style that makes a statement.

2. The bob with bangs

Adding bangs to your classic bob is a really very simple tip that allows you to rejuvenate a haircut very quickly. With bangs, a bob immediately makes you look much younger and more dynamic. When choosing bangs, you can opt for curtain bangs which give a 70s look to your look.

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You can also choose straight bangs if you think it will highlight your face more. The key is to ask your hairdresser for advice because the different types of bangs do not suit everyone and should be chosen according to the shape of your face. Expert advice is therefore preferable to choose your bangs.

3. The bob cut with long bangs

Long, eyebrow-grazing bangs on a bob play with the short/long proportions and can prevent your hair from looking thin and flat. Consider layering the sides to give movement to your hair.

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4. The curly bob

If you have curly hair, the bob will suit you perfectly! And if you have straight hair, don’t hesitate to curl your hair with a curling iron. Indeed, the curly bob is a very pretty hairstyle that instantly adds volume to your hair and can make thinner hair appear thicker and healthier. A guaranteed rejuvenating effect!

5. Long hair / Rachel cut

It is completely wrong to believe that you need to cut your hair after 40 to look younger. If you prefer longer hair, there is no contraindication to that. But the beauty tip is to layer your long hair to break up the length and give a voluminous boost. Also remember to cut your hair regularly to avoid split ends.

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6. Long, wavy hair with beach throwback effect

If having long hair means the lengths need to be well below the shoulders, consider enhancing your style with waves. If your hair already has a natural wave, you may just need a specialized hair routine to achieve mermaid hair.

And if you have straight hair, opt for heat-free waves to protect your hair from damage caused by intense heat. For example, you can tie your hair in braids overnight and get waves the next morning

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7. Mid-length hair with waves

Mid-length hair generally stops at shoulder or collarbone level and is an excellent compromise between short hair and long hair. But adding waves, as discussed earlier, is a perfect way to prevent your hair from looking flat. And this hairstyle generally suits everyone.

8. Lighter highlights to frame the face

Although it is not a haircut, adding highlights framing the face (money highlight) amounts to placing a spotlight on the features of your face and thus giving a little shine to your face. your skin. Additionally, lighter highlights work with all haircuts and are typically one to three shades lighter than your natural color. But it is more than enough for the change to have an impact.

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9. The funky pixie cut

The pixie cut is really ideal for women who tend to lose their hair. With a shortened length on the back of the head as well as on the sides and a longer layer on the top of the head, this haircut gives more volume.

And the good thing is that there are many ways to style your hair with a pixie cut. You can opt for a funky pixie cut by tousling your hair for a slightly offbeat look or, on the contrary, you can opt for a more elegant look by placing your hair to the side. And above all, you can change according to your mood.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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