These applications that Apple will put in the shade with iOS 18 and macOS 15

Guillaume Belfiore

Co-Editor in Chief – Software & Services

June 11, 2024 at 2:58 p.m.


  • Dashlane, 1Password, Bitwarden
  • Rectangle, Magnet, BetterTouch Tool
  • Finito AI, Fello AI, AI Chat Bot
  • Spark, Edison Mail, Newton
  • Arc Browser
  • Dragon, Dictation, oTranscribe

At Apple, we collect good ideas, and we offer them natively!

At Apple, we collect good ideas, and we offer them natively!

By unveiling the next versions of iOS and macOS to come, Apple shared a flood of new features that will soon be available natively. And several third-party publishers who have developed these good ideas risk being left behind.

Sherlocked“. This is the official term for Apple aficionados when the company natively supplants a third-party tool with an in-house functionality. This is historically what happened to the Watson search engine when the multinational introduced…Sherlock, the ancestor of Spotlight.

And the least we can say is that yesterday, many new features are likely to overshadow several third-party applications.

Dashlane, 1Password, Bitwarden

The Apple Passwords app promises easier access, management and sharing of passwords on iOS and macOS. These features are historically offered by independent password managers like Dashlane, 1Password or Bitwarden.

  Apple Passwords VS.  Password managers

Apple Passwords VS. Password managers

Discover: Dashlane, 1Password, Bitwarden

Rectangle, Magnet, BetterTouch Tool

On macOS, it will be possible to anchor certain windows to specific positions on the screen with keyboard shortcuts. You will thus create Tiles. Initially integrated into GNU/Linux desktop environments, this functionality then saw the light of day on Windows with the snap. It is offered today via utilities on the Apple system such as Rectangle, Magnet or BetterTouch Tool.

macOS Tiles VS.  window management tools

macOS Tiles VS. window management tools

Discover: Rectangle, Magnet, BetterTouch tool

Finito AI, Fello AI, AI Chat Bot

Apple Intelligence promises to bring ChatGPT in depth to macOS and iOS. Currently there are dozens of applications leveraging OpenAI programming interfaces.

Deeply integrated iADeeply integrated iA

Deeply integrated AI

Discover: Finito AI, Fello AI, AI Chat bot

Spark, Edison Mail, Newton

The next version of Mail will automatically categorize messages according to their nature (promotional offers, newsletters, etc.) or according to the sender. Automatic sorting is far from being a new thing and on macOS, for more advanced messaging, you generally had to turn to an alternative client. Incidentally, Apple’s AI will also be able to summarize long messages and help with writing.

Automatic email sortingAutomatic email sorting

Automatic email sorting

Discover: Spark, Edison Mail, Newton

Arc Browser

Like several of its competitors, The Browser Company recently lifted the veil on its efforts in terms of integrating artificial intelligence into the Arc browser. Called Max, the technology allows, among other things, to summarize the important content of a web page thanks to the integration of ChatGPT. This is precisely what Apple presented yesterday with the Highlights functionality of the next version of the Safari browser.

AI to optimize surfingAI to optimize surfing

AI to optimize surfing

Discover: Arc Browser

Dragon, Dictation, oTranscribe

Apple’s Notes application will be able to perform voice recording on the fly and not only offer a transcription in text form but also synthesize it. The reference in this field remains Dragon Naturally Speaking, but other online services have recently emerged such as Dictation or oTranscribe.

Voice transcriptionVoice transcription

Voice transcription

Discover: Dragon Naturally Speaking, oTranscribe, Dictation

Apple has unveiled several other upcoming native features that currently require a third-party application, such as recording phone calls or generating avatars.

We have no doubt, however, that several of these publishers will continue to innovate to fill the future gaps in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia.

Guillaume Belfiore

Guillaume Belfiore

Co-Editor in Chief - Software & Services

Co-Editor in Chief - Software & Services

I am deputy editor-in-chief of Clubic, and more precisely, I am responsible for editorial development on the Software and Web Services section.

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I am deputy editor-in-chief of Clubic, and more precisely, I am responsible for editorial development on the Software and Web Services section.

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