These are the 5 best crypto documentaries

In the past, when ARD, ZDF and Co. reported on Bitcoin, horror often followed in the crypto space. But this year it became clear that crypto is no longer just a marginal phenomenon in the German media landscape. The mainstream public broadcasters also produced reports on the topic of Bitcoin and Co. and did their part in the educational work.

“In the past, the topic of crime financing and high power consumption was often discussed, but the possible utility of crypto assets was often not asked at all,” explains Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner from Frankfurt School’s Blockchain Center, who himself has contributed to several broadcasts as a crypto expert, told BTC-ECHO.

“Meanwhile, the media in Germany are beginning to deal intensively with the question of where the advantages and disadvantages are,” says Sandner. The result is “increasingly balanced reporting”.

1. The history of Bitcoin’s founding and the mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto (Arte)

“Freedom has to be won over and over again. And that’s what we’re fighting for.” In particular, it is the concluding words of the report by the German-French cultural broadcaster Arte that give the documentary great expression.

The six-part video series reconstructs the history of Bitcoin and sheds light on the unsolved mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto.

In a (largely fictitious) monologue, the producers bring the pseudonym behind Bitcoin’s invention to life. Among other things, the economic structure in which Bitcoin should find its place is explained. On the other hand, interviews with experts on the subject of cryptocurrencies are shown.

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2. Harald Lesch on Bitcoin, the gold standard and crypto ecology (ZDF)

In the almost half-hour article, physics professor Harald Lesch goes in search of answers to the questions that are mainly asked by people without much prior knowledge in the crypto sector: Are Bitcoin and Co. pure speculation? Does this give us more control over our wealth? And what about the environmental discussion?

“Every coin has two sides – including cryptocurrency,” the documentation says at the beginning. And these two sides are thoroughly discussed in the post.

Lesch also meets people from the crypto space who give him different insights along the way. The article also contains explanatory units, for example about the gold standard, the banking crisis and Bitcoin mining.

It goes to the documentation here along.

3. Are cryptocurrencies better money? (type)

To answer this question, the article starts with the question: What is money anyway?

In the following, the program addresses the history of trade, crypto adoption in El Salvador, the banking crisis and Bitcoin mining.

In her documentary, producer Katja Döhne explains from an economic, but also practical and, above all, accessible perspective, where money actually gets its value from and what Bitcoin and Co. actually want to do better than the euro or the US dollar.

4. Crypto trilogy about Bitcoin, NFTs and DAOs (BR)

Whether Bitcoin can live up to its “Bank the unbanked” philosophy is discussed and documented in a report by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR).

The first part of the crypto trilogy not only contains explanations of the economic background and mechanisms of our monetary system, but also shows, for example, conversations with Bitcoin advocate Anita Posch and recordings of one of her projects in South Africa.

Meanwhile, part two deals with NFTs, the last post with DAOs.

You can get all three parts here look at.

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5. Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim on Bitcoin and cryptobros – with a dose of humor (ZDF neo)

Science journalist and TV presenter Dr. In her show MAITHINK X, Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim discusses whether Bitcoin could represent an alternative monetary system

“We want to look behind the facade of weird crypto bros, at an alternative monetary system,” says the introduction to the show. Rightly so: There are not too few controversial personalities in the crypto space – as in other sectors – and do not make it easy for the industry, which is already disreputable for some.

Nguyen-Kim mixes the technical complexity behind cryptocurrencies and economic relationships with a good dose of fun – and thus makes the topic accessible.

A critical examination of Bitcoin and Co. is also included in the article. Finally, Nguyen-Kim takes stock: “Bitcoin is not a good alternative to the current banking system.” Viewers can still learn something.

here you can watch the show.

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