These are the most bizarre traffic rules in the world

Did you know that you can drive naked in Germany? No? Perhaps that’s because, by law, the driver is only allowed to enjoy his nudity in his own car – outside, you would normally only have seen him carefully dressed. But our neighboring countries also have a lot to offer in terms of legal absurdity.

Denmark: If you earn more, you pay more

The “WORLD” reports that anyone driving under the influence of alcohol in Denmark is sentenced to their net income. The official formula is:

Blood alcohol level (without percentage sign) x monthly net income (in euros) = amount of the fine (in euros)

However, the formula no longer applies from two per thousand, because then the violation of the law is punished with a payment in the amount of the entire monthly salary and a 20-day suspended prison sentence.

Spain: Navigation system must not be touched under any circumstances

Loud “” Drivers in Spain are allowed to use navigation systems. However, they may only touch them before the start of the journey for the purpose of adjustment. Anyone who touches their navigation system even once while driving faces fines of up to 500 euros.

Switzerland: Imprisonment for speeders

If you exceed the speed limit by 25 km/h outside of town or on the motorway in Switzerland, you have to be loud “” expect an indefinitely high fine or imprisonment. So speeders in this country should think twice about whether the brief feeling of freedom on the asphalt, the years without freedom and away from the asphalt, is worth it.

Netherlands: It is not the driver who pays the fine

Netherlands visitors point out
that the driver may not pay the fine there: The vehicle owner is always responsible, so that flashing the number plate is sufficient for the local authorities to impose a fine.

California: Women are not allowed to drive in every dressing room

In liberal California, of course, women are allowed to drive cars – but according to the law not in house clothes, the reported California Business Journal. Whimsical, but this is the list of bizarre traffic laws.

Georgia: Drivers are only allowed to spit out of trucks

Finally, in Georgia, drivers are not allowed to spit out of cars or buses, the legal advice website says Atlanta injury counsel with. Anyone who has bought a truck can, of course, legally spit down it…

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