these astrological signs are positively impacted (they are very lucky)

This Monday March 25 will be marked by the first lunar eclipse of the year. Certain astrological signs will be positively impacted.

The year 2024 will experience its first penumbral lunar eclipse on the night of Sunday March 24 to Monday March 25. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is placed between the Sun and the Moon. This year, the eclipse will be visible in the constellation Virgo. According to the media Sciences and Life, it will be possible to observe it in France at its maximum at 8:12 a.m., provided you have good visibility on the Moon. The lunar eclipse being penumbral, it will only be partially observable from France.

For certain astrological signs, this event will be synonymous with luck. The media Full Life has listed the three signs that will be impacted by the penumbral lunar eclipse. In first position comes Cancer, which was already one of the lucky signs during the New Moon on March 10 in Pisces. This sign was able to take advantage of this New Moon to assert yourself and concentrate on a project which he had been thinking about for a long time. Cancers will be able to continue on this line, thanks to the period of stability announced by the lunar eclipse. They can expect changes in their love, family and professional lives. A good opportunity to let in something new.

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Eclipse of March 25, 2024: what are the signs impacted?

From Monday March 25, the lunar eclipse will occur in the astrological axis of Aries. We must therefore expect upheavals as negative as they are positive. During this period of March, Aries will have the impression of stagnating, of achieving nothing and of being in slow motion. But from the date of the lunar eclipse, a long process of change will begin on a relational, romantic and professional level.

Come next Capricornswhich were able to begin to blow at the beginning of March, although still lucid and down to earth. Lunar eclipse expected to bring positive changes in their social and professional lives, but these will not arrive without incident and the journey will be strewn with pitfalls. It will therefore be necessary arm yourself with optimism, and above all patience.

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Four eclipses in 2024

There is a lunar eclipse on March 25, but it’s not the only one of the year! According to the website of the NASAanother partial lunar eclipse will take place on September 18 of this year. April 8 will be a solar eclipse which will be held. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking sunlight. This April eclipse takes place in Aries, the fire sign. So it will be the perfect time to actto finally dare!

A final solar eclipse will take place October 2, 2024, this time in the sign of Libra. It promises to be rich in emotions, and it could make each astrological sign doubt once again… The universe really wants to put each astrological sign to the test : everyone will have to ask themselves all these necessary questions, even the most secret ones, those which they do not dare to think about, but which are nevertheless essential.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she is not writing about current affairs, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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