These baths increase the risks of oral diseases and certain cancers, alerting researchers

A recent study pointed certain hand gestures in the mouth which could be very noxious for the buccal microbiome. They also increase the risk of cancer. We tell you everything.

Rinse your mouth with a soap and water after your teeth have brushed, but it is not necessarily a good gesture to adopt. Moreover, the baths could be dangerous for health because they microbiota buccal because the bottle also has its own microbiome in the belly, vagina and skin. In effect, the bottle breaks off completely a community of bacteria and other micro-organisms “welcome” for oral-dental health.

Result, like every microbiota, its balance is primordial and the perturber It is not a good idea to risk increasing the risk of developing oral diseases such as of aphthous ulcers, mycoses, gingivitis or even periodontitis. And the use of a bath bubble can therefore disrupt the balance of the oral microbiome.

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This bath salt can be bad for your health

In a recent scientific study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, investigators are alert to the daily use of certain bubble baths, particularly alcohol-based ones. And a particular one in this city, he says Listerine Fresh Mint, antiseptic bath soap. But what is the problem with bathing this bottle?

The researchers’ conclusion is that the mouthwash brings about a significant change in the composition and abundance of bacteria in the buccal or oropharyngeal microbiota in the participants who used this mouthwash every day. More precisely, researchers have discovered that two species of bacteria are more abundant in the mouth, to know Fusobacterium nucleatum et Streptococcus anginosus.

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Alarming results

The bacteria are associated with various diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. But also other more serious diseases such as esophageal and colorectal cancer. In addition to the presence of these noxious bacteria, investigators have also discovered a division of a group of bacteria, to know the actinobacilli which are essential for the regulation of blood pressure. The authors of the study have therefore alerted us to the daily use of shower gel. Searchers invite users to “conscient of potential implications”, and estimates that long-term use “should be guided by health professionals”.

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However, researchers are precisely looking for data that is not included in the price of tobacco or certain food habits that play a role in the diversity of the oral microbiome. In particular, this study came within the framework of the analysis of the reduction in the transmission of transmissible sexual illnesses in men through sexual relations with men. “Nearly half of men in terms of sexual relationships with men declaring to use bathrobes for their oral-dental hygiene. This study [indique] that probably a beneficial effect on your oral microbiome”, indicated Pr Chris Kenyon, study hairdresser, in a press release.

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