These behaviors to absolutely avoid if you’re hoping for a second date

In a very amusing article, the American HuffPost selected the testimonies of several people who recounted these unacceptable behaviors they encountered on a first date and which are clearly a red flag for a second date. We tell you everything!

Finding love is not an easy task… And it is not by multiplying registrations and browsing on dating sites or club outings that you will have more chances of finding the right match. Because, whatever the case, after a first meeting which is often decisive, it is advisable to take the plunge to obtain a second date and, possibly, to begin a new romance for two. It is for this reason that several people wanted to share their story with HuffPostgiving to read behaviors to avoid if you hope to obtain the first sesamenamely an entry ticket for a new interview.

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This is the case of Mara Marek, who remembersa meeting over a drink“We locked eyes to take our first sip and just as the liquid was about to touch my lip, he blurted out loud, ‘I can make any woman cum.'”. Surprising? To which the courted woman replied: “I put down my glass, I told him that he was not credible to trigger an orgasm in women”.

Hidden marriage or toxic relationship?

The examples are numerous and reflect sometimes comical situations. But, which, each time, systematically result in a failure. Virginia Jones recounts how one of her dates ended up with a spit in the hands, and offered it to him. Others complain of finding a plea in the back of a vehiclewhen some like Benny Nwokeabia remember a toxic relationship which could have ended badly. “That wasn’t even the straw that broke the camel’s back. She went on to tell me how he cheated and abused her while casually letting it go.” : “I tried to kill him once…he’s lucky to escape.”he had been told, which instantly cooled him.

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Other situations or comments made during a first exchange can slow down the desire to continue the adventure. This is also the case for Janet Quinonez. “I gave my cell number to a guy at the end of our first date. He called me later that evening to tell me thathe had done some research and discovered that I was married, that he had mentioned my ‘husband’ name and called me a liar and a cheat. The name was my father’s. We benefit from a family sharing plan. Needless to say, there was no second date.”, she assures. We could also cite the case of Ginny Hogan, whose man told her of the last eight women he had had his first date with that their calves had played a role. “decisive role” in the pursuit of adventure. Surprising?

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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