these flight routes to avoid at all costs if you don’t want turbulence

Turbulence remains one of the main concerns for passengers. Although generally not dangerous, they can make a flight uncomfortable and, in rare cases, cause serious incidents. This is why it is important to avoid certain routes to travel with peace of mind.

The sky may often appear to be a haven, but for planes it hides areas of sometimes violent turbulence. These air shocks, although normally without serious consequences, can be a source of anxiety for travelers. Understanding the causes and frequently affected regions can help to better anticipate and avoid them.

Recently, a school trip to Greece turned into a series of flying misadventures for a group of fifth and sixth graders. Departing from Orly airport, they quickly discovered that even the best planned journeys can be subject to unforeseen events.

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What are the risky plane routes?

Some regions are known for their turbulence, especially when flying over major mountain ranges or near jet streams. For example, air routes crossing the Andes in South America Or the Himalayas in Asia are particularly known for their often difficult flying conditions. Specific routes in these areas have been identified as particularly severe.

Recent studies also indicate that journeys like Milan-Geneva Or Santiago-Santa Cruz regularly experience turbulence. Pilots and airlines are aware of these risk areas and use available technologies to avoid them or minimize their impact, thereby improving passenger safety and comfort.

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What are the origins of turbulence?

Turbulence is not just a temporary annoyance, it is the result of complex atmospheric phenomena. Their most common form occurs when an aircraft enters an unstable air flow, often caused by thunderstorms or jet streams. These fast air corridors, which planes use to save fuel and time, can cause sudden and unpredictable movements of the aircraft.

This is particularly true for turbulence in clear air, which can occur without visible warning signs like clouds and are particularly difficult to predict. They are often caused by atmospheric variations due to global warming, making certain routes less peaceful and more problematic. However, technology and pilot expertise help minimize risks and discomfort.

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