these French people wrongly excluded from exceptional tax assistance

The fuel allowance set up by the government allows low-income workers to receive a sum to compensate for the increase in fuel prices. However, the device has some blind spots, especially for families using certain types of vehicles.

10million individuals can benefit from a fuel allowance of 100 euros. This can be requested on the tax website and does not require a password. Even if you do not declare your taxes online, you can access the process. At present, just over 5 million people have claimed it.

The application form must be completed by filling in, in particular, the license plate and the formula number appearing on the vehicle registration document. However, the form has so far only accepted registration formats such as AB-123-CD or 1234 AB 56.

A registration problem for some vehicles

In most cases, this does not cause any difficulty, since the vehicles used are well equipped with this type of plate. However, there are vehicles (especially two-wheelers) registered in AB-123-C format. In principle, today, the owners should have re-registered them, but the obligation does not apply to vehicles registered before 2009.

Even if the date seems old, some people may still own these vehicles and use them to get to work. If the other conditions are also met, they can claim the fuel allowance.

This scenario has been reported to tax officials and the persons concerned should now be able to submit their request via the dedicated form on the tax website. If you were blocked during a previous attempt, don’t hesitate to try your luck again. The deadline initially planned until February 28 has been pushed back by one month, which leaves time to complete the procedure.

Fuel bonus of 100 euros: the top 5 departments where you forget to claim it

The quack of company cars bought by individuals

However, some cases remain pending. Company vehicles, of the CTTE type on the gray card, are in principle not eligible. If this type mainly includes vans and utility vans, it can also concern 2-seater company cars.

Once out of company fleets, these cars are sometimes bought by individuals, who use them as passenger cars. To date, people in this situation are unable to obtain compensation. If you are concerned, an upcoming change to the system for applying for the fuel allowance is expected. Do not hesitate to repeat your request in a few days.

On the other hand, certain vehicles have been deliberately excluded from the system and do not give rise to the right to compensation. These include, for example, agricultural vehicles (tractors, quads, etc.), heavy goods vehicles and company vehicles for which the employer pays the fuel.

Fuel allowance of 100 euros: Why have I still not received the tax transfer?

source site-96