these many alert SMS on the Covid remained unanswered

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Emmanuel Macron has just been singled out by the former Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn about the management of the Covid crisis. She would have sent numerous SMS alerts, all of which remained unanswered.

Currently indicted for “endangering the lives of others” for her management of the Covid-19 epidemic, Agnès Buzyn, the former Minister of Health wanted to give her truth. In a long text of 600 pages, relayed by The worldshe mentioned his unsuccessful attempts to warn Emmanuel Macron of the health risks linked to Covid-19. At the time, the Head of State and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe would not have taken his warnings seriously. Agnès Buzyn explains in particular that she sent several SMS to Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe. In vain.

On January 25, 2020, just a few weeks before the first confinement, the former Minister of Health had tried to warn against the excessive mortality rate : “That’s a lot for a virus that has flu-like kinetics“, she worried then. She decides to send an SMS to the president: “Mr. PR, I am at your disposal to take stock of the situation whenever you wish.” and add:the WHO made the wrong decision not to trigger a global alert“. Without answer, she then turns to Edouard Philippe: “Hello Edouard, I imagine that you are in Le Havre, she writes to the head of government. I should be able to give you an update on the situation and give you my feelings on the epidemic during the day“. Dead letter again.

Worried about the situation in China (the Chinese city of Wuhan had just been confined), she sent messages back to the Head of State a few days later: “It can still be severe if many people are affected” and to explain that if the mortality of the virus seems less strong than SARS, its contagiousness is stronger. On January 30, 2020, she demands an interview with Emmanuel Macron about this virus”much worse than the flu“. He will answer him: “We’ll do that tomorrow no problem.“The day passes and no news, Agnès Buzyn sends a new message”I am at your disposal to show you the projections and explain to you how we are organizing in the hospitals for the coming weeks.“.

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Agnès Buzyn challenges Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe

It will be necessary to wait for the second round of the municipal elections for the organization to be put in place. Too late, according to the doctor who briefly became a minister. Edouard, you are off the mark, and if you still trust me, make a lockdown decision because we are fifteen days late. And I don’t lose my nerves, I’ve been lucid for weeks and behind your decisions are people who are going to die“, she would have sent to the ex-Prime Minister. More than 150,000 people will die after contracting the Covid-19 virus.

Agnès Buzyn, appointed in July 2022 to the Court of Auditors by Emmanuel Macron, claims to have had “the feeling of not being listened to”, qualifies his remarks: “Each time I asked Edouard for a meeting of ministers, I got it (the Prime Minister is organizing a meeting at Matignon at the end of January). That didn’t mean he believed in my scripts, in my anxieties, but we worked hand in hand and he trusted me, he didn’t neglect anything. The president let the government do. At the time, they are like the rest of the French population and experts, no one can understand the seriousness of what is coming.“. For its part, in 2020, the Senate Inquiry Committee recognized the “early mobilization“of the former minister and her”repeated warnings“who wouldn’t have “been listened to or acted upon”.

Marion Mancho

Marion Mancho

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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