These money-saving devices disappear on January 1

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Faced with inflation, several measures have been put in place to offset the rise in prices. But from January 1, some will end, here are which ones.

The last hours of certain benefits. Legislative changes, end of special measures, end of special aid… Each December 31 is an opportunity to take stock of the steps to take before the start of the new year. Since the start of 2022, the health crisis, weather phenomena and even the war in Ukraine have had direct consequences on the French budget. At the end of the year, it is therefore good to know what makes it possible tooptimize your finances.

For example, from January 1, 2023, the discount applied by the Government on fuel will end. Reduced from 30 to 10 cents in November, this will be abolished and this should have an immediate effect on the price at the pump. Don’t hesitate to stock up on December 31st. On the other hand, from January 16, a fuel allowance of 100 euros will be put in place for workers.

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Deadline for certain money transfers

Before celebrating New Year’s Eve, the site Boursorama also advises thinking about two approaches. The first concerns French people aged at least 57 holding a life insurance contract for more than eight years. These people can apply for transfer their money to a retirement savings plan (PER) until December 31. This allows savers to get “a doubling of the tax allowance, thus being able to reach 18,400 euros for a couple over the year 2022”specifies the site.

For employees, be aware that in the context of the purchase of goods or the payment of a service, you can request the exceptional release of your company savings plan. the whole “without having to pay social contributions and income tax”says Boursorama.


Culture, fashion, sport, health, gastronomy, many subjects fascinate Louise, especially when they relate to societal issues. From the latest fashion show to the new series release, she dissects the news and…

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