these new obligations imposed on lessors and sellers

A decree of October 1, 2022 relating to the information of buyers and tenants on the risks will require, from January 1, 2023, lessors and sellers to provide further information, and this at each stage of the sale or rental.

This is a new measure, taken within the framework of the Climate and Resilience law, to alert people to the phenomenon of coastal erosion. from January 1, 2023, Owners lessors and sellers of real estate must, at each stage of the sale or rental and this as soon as the real estate announcement is made, warn against the risk of the coastline receding.

In the areas most affected by coastal erosion, thestatement of risks, which must be less than six months oldwill be given during the first visit of the building to the potential buyer by the seller or to the potential tenant by the lessor.

A reference to the Gorisques site

Decree No. 2022-1289 of October 1, 2022 relating to the information of buyers and tenants on the risks will also oblige sellers and owners to include in the announcement relating to the sale or rental of a property the mention of the Gorisques site (www. georisques. gouv. fr) regardless of the advertising media. This site allows future buyers or tenants to find out about the risks to which the accommodations that interest them are exposed.

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This obligation joins those already in force for real estate located in areas covered by a technological risk prevention plan, by a prevention plan for foreseeable natural risks or by a mine risk prevention plan, prescribed or approved, in areas of low high seismicity, a significant radon potential area or in a soil information sector.

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