These phrases that mothers of boys no longer want to hear


fun, news, tips… what else?

When you are a mother of little boys, remarks on the subject fuse. For the “perfect parents”, who know everything better than the others, here are the phrases we no longer want to hear!

When we become parents, our life changes completely. Between performance, endurance and resistance, many parents redouble their efforts to try to win this race to perfection (which is not necessarily a good idea). Because if becoming a mom or a dad means learning to live with one or more new human beings by our side, in many cases, it is also supporting, every day, the opinion of others. Indeed, between the tips that are not always very useful, the advice that is not necessarily relevant and the remarks that start (perhaps) from a good intention but which end up making us feel guilty,… being parents is not always easy.

And when you’re a parent of several boys, stereotypical remarks we are fed up. So for your safety, it is better to avoid saying the following sentences, otherwise the parents of little boys will be very irritated.

The remarks that you must stop saying to mothers of boys (be careful, if you are allergic to the second degree do not read what follows)

  1. “Oh well, good luck, a boy is sport!” : Yes, absolutely, because having a little girl is simply lying quietly on the sofa and resting patiently.
  2. “It’s good boys, girls it chouine a lot!” : So much the better we will save the handkerchiefs! It’s true that we’ve never seen a boy whine in a public place.
  3. “You’ll see it’s great little guys prefer their mom!” : That will make at least one who is right.
  4. “You will be less bothered as a teenager!”: Oh puberty! It is well known that adolescent crises are exclusively reserved for girls.
  5. “Football and small cars are yours!” : Whether they are little girls or little boys, let them play with what they like, please!
  6. “We’ll have to be the little sister then!” : Because the boy or the boys are not enough?
  7. “You don’t miss not buying a rose” : It is well known, pink does not go at all to the complexion of young boys.
  8. “Wow, it’s going to be hard, beautiful girls”: Why would it be harder than with beautiful yarns?
  9. “You will be able to make a football team” : THE phrase par excellence that actually means nothing. Short….
  10. “Too bad for the clothes” : I did not know that the boys lived exclusively naked.

The perfect parent does not exist, the important thing is to do our best. So to all those who will stop this kind of reflections, thank you!

Since May 2021, Pauline has joined the Aufeminin team. A journalism student, Pauline is currently on a work-study program and writes for the Aufeminin and Parole de Mamans websites. Curious and passionate, she…

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