These plants are perfect natural mosquito repellents (they hold up very well indoors)

With the return of warm weather and sunny days, a nuisance that we would have preferred to do without also reappears: mosquitoes which invade our gardens, terraces and even our interiors. Are you looking for effective and natural ways to scare them away? These plants will surely be of great help to you!

Mosquitoes, these little creatures that can make our summer evenings feel like real hell. While many impatiently await the return of sunny days to enjoy summer evenings around a good barbecue or simply a little drink on the terrace, these little harmful insects can completely ruin the moment. You only need to sit for a few minutes in your garden or on your terrace to see them prowling around on the lookout for a juicy skin that they can sting.

In addition to causing unbearable itching, when they enter our homes they can also prevent us from enjoying a good night’s sleep. But fortunately, there are many tips to repel these little creatures, such as sleeping with a fan on you at night or even mosquito repellent apps, the effectiveness of which we still question. But among all these miracle solutions, one is particularly effective, the natural repellents represented by plants.

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How to scare away mosquitoes with plants?

First of all, you should know that mosquitoes love to multiply when they are near a source of water. So if you want to avoid the proliferation of these little creatures in your garden, we tidy up and eliminate potential water points. Then, one of the most effective solutions remains to rely on the presence of aromatic anti-mosquito plants such as basil, lavender, mint, thyme or even lemongrass!

Although the effectiveness of lemongrass in repelling mosquitoes has long been known, other plants should not be neglected. For example, peppermint is particularly effective in the same way as lemon eucalyptus, basil or even more surprisingly, garlic! The advantage of some of these plants is that it is possible to grow them in pots and place them indoors where they can largely play the role of natural repellent. The use of natural incense based on these aromatics on your terrace may also be indicated.

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These plants to plant in your garden to eliminate mosquitoes

Lemongrass is already one of the most effective plants to plant in your garden to repel mosquitoes, but others that we think of less are just as effective. Lavender, which is known to be pollinated by bees and to attract butterflies, plays a very good role as a repellent plant in the same way as marigold. If lavender needs a lot of sun, worry not particularly and also has the advantage of repelling parasites when placed next to a vegetable garden. Mixed with nasturtiums, marigold is even more effective!

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But that’s not all, verbena, lemon balm or even mint all have very strong odors that mosquitoes do not like. Applied to your skin in essential oil mixed with coconut oil, the solution will be even more effective. Indeed, in addition to the slight lemony smell of these plants that mosquitoes hate, coconut oil has lauric, capric and caprylic acid which are also repellents.

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