these sandwiches sold throughout France should not be eaten

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Sandwich alert! This Monday, April 3, Leclerc and Super U recalled very special club sandwiches and wraps. We tell you more.

This article is for you if you’ve purchased sandwiches or wraps recently. This Monday, April 3, the reference site ReminderConso published several alerts on sandwicheswhich can sometimes be prepared without bread, and wrapsdistributed in U Systems supermarkets. All contain goat, a food that lends itself very well cooking savory cheesecakes and which is also present in the field of beauty, in particular for its action against imperfections.

Here is the information of the affected products. The first concerns the sandwich triangle goat vegetables of the Repère Côté Snack brand (145 g), marketed from March 29 to 31, 2023, the second is a club sandwich goat cheese, tomato, arugula (210 grams), from the U brand. The last is a duo of goat cheese, tomato wraps (190 grams), from the Repère Nat&Vie brand (sold from March 29 to 31, 2023).

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Why were these wraps and sandwiches recalled?

The RappelConso site warned that a plastic-like foreign body hard and blue in color could lie at the heart of these listed products. This could, logically, cause internal injuries to those who consume them, or even a choking, in the most serious cases. It was therefore important to warn potential consumers. Especially since these are products purchased frequently, especially at lunchtime when people want or need to eat on the go, between two business appointments for example.

As most of the time when recalls occur, a refund procedure has been put in place for consumers who have purchased these very specific products. Of course, they received instruction not to eat these wraps and sandwiches, but also, if they wish, to bring them back to a point of sale in France. A refund will then be offered. However, be careful not to delay too long, the procedure will take end April 15 for Super U, and April 19 for Leclerc.


Cannes native of Toulouse, Déborah loves shopping as much as supporting her favorite rugby team. A true writing enthusiast, she reveals all the scoops and latest…

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