These self-destructive behaviors that we should stop inflicting on ourselves

Take it all personally

It is very easy to interpret someone's bad mood. A sneaky sarcastic comment? And you take it for yourself directly, and in the first degree, as a sign that the person is getting annoyed about your company. But in reality, this only rarely concerns you. The world does not revolve around you (and fortunately!).

When angry, most people lock themselves into their bubbles, brooding over their own issues. They don't target you, despite what you might think.

The faster you get out of this paranoia, the lighter your life will be. Free yourself with this reminder: it's not about you, it's about them.

Convince yourself that you will be happy when …

When you lose weight, when you meet your other half, when you land the job of your dreams … Putting off your happiness is a mistake we are all guilty of. But remember that with every new opportunity comes its own set of challenges.

Wherever you go, you are there: you already have everything you need to be happy. Realize that your outside environment will always change. So it is better to accept what you have and what you are in the most sincere way possible.

Drown in regrets

Nothing causes us to agonize so mentally as regret. You constantly say to yourself “if only!”. But rehashing the past will do nothing better than stopping you from moving forward in life and causing you pain.

In addition, life is too tumultuous to imagine that a decision or action would have changed fate. Remorse is simply part of what makes us human and there is literally no way around it. Feel what you feel, learn the lesson, then let yourself go.

Thinking negative ideas about your body

Writer Marcia Hutchinson said: “If you told your friends about the way you address your body, you wouldn't have any friends left.How much time do you waste lamenting your cellulite or skin problems? Focus on what you love and appreciate your reflection in the mirror the same way you would like to see your loved ones looking at their bodies.

Stick to unrealistic standards

Your life isn't a perfectly designed Pinterest board. This is good, it is not the case for anyone. Even celebrities, even your seemingly ideal cousin, even your all-smiles in the office. As messy and imperfect as it may seem, your life is not devoid of beauty to say the least.

Don't feel miserable for a spotless home, a trip to Sicily, or a drooling Instagram account. You don't realize at the time, but you have also experienced exceptional moments, which might not fit in a photo.

Compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others has a knack for turning you away from what can be positive. Then again, everyone has their own issues, no one has a perfect life even though social media suggests otherwise. Count your own accomplishments instead of theirs.

Everyone moves at their own pace, you may not have reached your goals yet, but that doesn't mean it will never happen. If something appeals to you, empower yourself to achieve it by first imagining yourself in this situation where you would have accomplished what you wanted. Learn a language, play a musical instrument, get your driving license … nothing prevents you from doing so.


This is potentially the hardest habit to break – but also the one that impacts your life the most. In addition to not being able to help it, it is a real addiction! Thinking too much plays with your emotions, distorts reality and wastes your time.

As writer Eckhart Tolle explains: "The discomfort, the anxiety, the tension, the stress, the worry – all the forms of fear to go faster – are caused by our gaze on the future and not on the present. " By worrying too much about the future, we forget to take advantage of the present moment. Just as guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness – and all forms of self-punishment – are the result of dwelling on the past too much.

Not taking enough breaks

We live in a world where you have to always be on the move, always be busy, always be productive, with a view to performance. All of these needs turn into a driving force behind most of your anxieties.

Relax, take the time to do the things you love, or choose not to do anything at all. It is essential to release the pressure. These quiet times allow you to tap into the energy you need to be efficient when you really need it.

Tell yourself that it is too late to …

To change careers, get married, start your own business, learn a new language … Don't limit your experiences because of an absurd timeline. Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald gave another very inspiring perspective on this: "It's never too late to be who you want to be. Start whenever you want. Evolve or stay yourself. There is no rule."

Build the life you've always dreamed of, instill your fulfillment and not your regrets.
"Live an existence that you will be proud of, and if you are not, have the courage to take it all over again."The cards are in your hands.

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