These seniors are going full throttle after retirement – Home

Especially when the front number of the age changes, many people feel some discomfort. But aging is a privilege, as these seniors show. They make you want to retire, inspire and alleviate the fear of getting older.

With a bang into the pension

The newly retired documentary filmmaker Hanspeter Bäni goes on a long-distance hike together with the newly retired Jürgen Podlass. The two would like to walk with a tent and sleeping bag to the northernmost point of Germany. Very inspiring, as they speak frankly about the huge inconvenience that the pension brings with it. There is also a heated argument, the two separate – and find each other again.

Fresh love in old age

78-year-old Yvonne has long since sold her double bed and has settled into life well without a partner. Suddenly her childhood sweetheart Peter gets in touch after 59 years. It’s as if lightning had struck. Love can be found at any age.

Beauty is transient? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

Best-ager models prove exactly the opposite. They show the world with great elegance that you can be beautiful at any age. At least I find the models in the post really breathtaking. One of them is 75-year-old Maye Musk, Elon Musk’s mother. She is currently one of the most sought-after top models in the world.

Tattoo icon Herbert Hoffmann

Born in Germany and living in Appenzell, he was an icon among tattoo artists. In the video he shows his fully tattooed body. You learn: It’s never too late for a tattoo. And even if some wear over time, you can still look very cool with them.

Fit for the digital age

One of my biggest personal worries as I get older is not being able to keep up with digital change. This video shows that this fear may be unfounded. The seniors learn about the Metaverse and VR glasses in a playful way. And have a lot of fun doing it.

Politically active for the future

Evil tongues say that seniors don’t care about the future because they don’t have to live with the consequences for as long. The group called “Climate Seniors” proves the opposite: They have filed a lawsuit against Switzerland before the European Court of Justice because they believe that the federal government’s climate protection is inadequate and violates the fundamental right to integrity.

Skydiving with 104

It’s never too late for big adrenaline kicks. Dorothy Hoffner showed this last fall. The then 104-year-old senior jumped out of the plane and set a record as probably the oldest female skydiver in the world. Unfortunately, she died just a week after her spectacular jump.

Changing careers in old age

Wirginia Szmyt, aka DJ Vika, has been at the mixing desk since her retirement. Joe Biden was 78 when he took office as US President, King Charles III. was 73 when he ascended the throne. Both men are record holders when it comes to age when taking office, which is not entirely uncriticized, but nevertheless proves that anyone who has a certain career desire can pursue it well into old age.

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