these shrimps sold in a large store should not be consumed

Are you a fan of shrimp dishes and buy them often? So read the following article carefully.

Whether it is summer, or at another time of the year, seafood is frequently successful on French tables. However, it is important to choose fresh products to enjoy your meal. and avoid food poisoning. Popular during the end-of-year celebrations, seafood platters are carefully selected by consumers. Shrimp lovers will therefore prefer to buy from the fishmonger, at the market or at the auction to benefit from very fresh products. Others do not necessarily have a budget for this and prefer to turn to traditional shopping centers.

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On this point, it is possible to be unlucky. Indeed, in the food industry, certain incidents remain possible. During the production chain, undesirable substances may come into contact with food. The products sold are found then unfit for consumption. Labeling errors are also possible. And this is the case for the foods that we will describe in the following paragraph. So read this information carefully.

Product recall: these shrimps are unfit for consumption

These shrimps sold at Lidl are the subject of a recall process and should definitely not be consumed. On the Rappel Conso website, we can read that“a check revealed an inversion of the label/back label. Some products containing sulphites are labeled ‘sulphite-free’. These substances are present in many foods.

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However, they are problematic in the event of intolerance. Interviewed by Allo Docteurs, Dr Vial-Dupuy said about them: “Sulphites, in intolerant people, modify the chemistry of certain cytokines and certain enzymes. It modifies the functioning of enzymes and creates allergic reactions, pseudo-allergic reactions more precisely because there is no intervention by the immune system.

The batches of shrimp concerned

The food products concerned are batches of shrimp sold in Lidl stores (located throughout France) from May 10 to 14. The product code is: 20842307. The affected lot number is: 7241320006. And the shrimp have a scheduled use-by date of May 21, 2024.

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What should you do if you purchased batches of shrimp and stored them? Above all, do not consume them. You can return them to the store. You will therefore benefit from a refund. If in doubt, you can also contact the Rappel Conso site by calling 08 00 90 03 43. If you have eaten shrimp and suspect an intolerance to sulphites, do not hesitate to consult a doctor quickly.

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