These signs that show that she really likes you

You can’t really tell if he’s under your spell. Yet watch his demeanor and you should have your questions answered.

Since your eyes met the first time, you think only of him. Your heart races when he is near you and you are desperately waiting for a sign from him. But, how do you know if the attraction is reciprocal? Keep your eyes open and watch out for some signs. Above all, pay attention to his eyes. He stares at you, he seeks your gaze, he devours you with his eyes, so many signs that are far from trivial. Another sign does not deceive: he has a smile on his face when he is with you. A proof of his interest and his well-being by your side.

Beyond physical elements, he certainly shows you his interest by his behavior. Does he often ask you for news? Does he respond to your messages right away? Does he want to see you again? Does he offer you activities? He seeks to multiply the moments one-on-one? As much marks of interest to be taken seriously. You have also noticed that he remembers what you tell him and asks questions about your tastes and habits. All of this shows that he cares about your life and what you love, a way to let you know that he would definitely like to be a part of it. For his part too, he dares to give himself up and tell you intimate things about his life.

Humor, a major ally

You have learned that he asks your friends about you to find out more about you. If he tries by all means to make you laugh, it’s a safe bet that he tries to seduce you. Humor is often a lethal weapon! You also noticed that he was giving you compliments, this is certainly not trivial. All the signs seem to come together to get to know each other and start (maybe) a beautiful love story.

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Some signs do not deceive

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He stares at you, he seeks your gaze, he devours you with his eyes …

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He often asks you for news, responds immediately to your messages, suggests activities …

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He dares to indulge himself and tell you intimate things of his life

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Finally, if he tries by all means to make you laugh, it’s a safe bet that he is trying to seduce you.

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