these tender never-before-seen family photos shared by his brother James

Kate Middleton’s brother publishes tender family photos which could well bring some comfort to her heart while she is currently fighting for several weeks against cancer.

It’s official ! The state of health of Charles III is improving and, after Buckingham Palace announced that he could return to office in April, the king is increasing his appearances. The father of princes William And Harry – affected by cancer publicly announced at the beginning of the year – will therefore be able to be present during the highly anticipated Trooping the Color, this event which has allowed the sovereign’s birthday to be celebrated since 1874. Charles III would indeed have obtained “the green light for his public return” according to commentator Gareth Russell (GB News). For him, it is “a good sign of the monarch’s health”. On the other hand, a prominent member of the English royal family has not yet made her decision and could be absent for health reasons.

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In fact, no one seems able to know if Kate Middleton will or will not be there June 15. It must be said that, like the King, the Duchess of Cambridge suffers from cancer. The bad news was made public at the end of March, after she underwent abdominal surgery. Prince William’s wife is currently recovering and her last public appearance was last Christmas. Some media have revealed that she was nevertheless seen a few days ago on her husband’s arm, presaging good news; when other media relay information according to which Kate Middleton’s 2024 agenda is completely empty.

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James Middleton remembers his health problems

While waiting to learn more about his potential return to the forefront, it’s his little and only brother James Middleton which in turn attracts all the attention, with the posting of family photos on Instagram. It was Saturday June 1st: a bouquet of photos featuring his partner Alizée as well as his son, under a broad sun lighting up the blue sky, and in the middle of lush nature.

In the caption of his publication liked more than 31,000 times in the space of a few hours, he tells his story and an ordeal that he himself had previously faced. James Middleton suffered from depression against which he fought with his two sisters Kate and Pippa Middleton. “If only moments like this could last forever. This special moment is thanks to Ella”, he wrote first, referring to his missing dog who also accompanied him when he needed her. Especially since it was Ella who allowed him to meet Alizée six years ago. “A few years later we got married, a year or so later Inigo came along. Ella and Inigo never met, but Ella is with us every moment. So if it wasn’t for that moment… I wouldn’t have been able to capture that moment.”he wrote in memory of his dog, before wishing all his readers a good weekend.

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James Middleton dad for eight months

It was precisely in 2018 that James Middleton met Alizée Thevenin, who is a French financial analyst. They actually got engaged the following year. The couple sealed their union on September 11, 2021 in Bormes-les-Mimosas, on French soil, and decided to live across the Channel, in the town of Bucklebury, in Berkshire. Their son Inigo was born in October 2023so he has not yet blown out his first candle.

Very close to his big sister Kate Middleton, the businessman immediately spoke once the announcement of his cancer was publicized. “Over the years, we have climbed many mountains together. As a family, we will climb this one with you too”, he said. This should therefore give him a little balm to his heart and some hope, that goes without saying.


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