these three exceptional helpers that you may have missed

According to an online question posed to 50,000 people, the platform claims that 70% of households eligible for the exceptional energy checks introduced this winter did not benefit from them. Explanations.

Faced with soaring energy prices, the government has stepped up exceptional aid this winter. It has therefore set up energy, wood, heating oil and petrol checks. If according to government figures, 7 million out of the 10 million eligible have requested the latest aid to alleviate soaring prices at the pump, for the others vagueness reigns.

According to an online question posed to 50,000 people by the platform, which supports individuals in their financial aid procedures, 70% of households are a priori eligible for exceptional energy checks, wood checks or fuel oil checks. would not have benefited from it, reports website Thanks for the infoeven if 74% know at least one of the aids mentioned.

No official record

According to the respondents to this study, this non-use would be justified by eligibility criteria not fairly clear and/or the steps are too long.

On the side of the Minister for Energy Transition, it is assured that no assessment of the aid paid this winter has been made for the moment. Especially since these, valid for one year, can therefore be used next winter. At MoneyVox, the services of Minister Agns Pannier-Runacher nevertheless specify that with regard to the energy check (and its exceptional version for the winters of 2021 and 2022), it is essential to remember that it is sent to households automatically each year. , without any steps. Thus, the treatment of the energy check cited in the consultation carried out by is very different from other aid which must be claimed by the beneficiaries.

Asked the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP) did not give details of the requests for the wood check (2.6 million eligible people) and the fuel oil check (1.6 million eligible people) MoneyVox.

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A few more days for the wood check

If you are entitled to the wood check, you still have the option of submitting your request on the online portal until 31 May and receive assistance of between 50 and 200 euros. Regarding the fuel check, it is too late since April 30.

The energy check used by 4 beneficiary households out of 5

In addition to the exceptional energy check sent to 12million households this winter, the traditional energy check is sent to 6million beneficiaries in the spring. In 2021, only 4 out of 5 beneficiaries spent their energy check to pay their electricity or gas bills. By mid-2022, 66% of the beneficiaries of this aid of an average amount of 149 euros had benefited from it. Overall, with a usage rate of 80%, the energy check does better than the majority of other social aids.

25% of households in a situation of energy poverty do not receive the energy voucher, according to data from the Court of Auditors in February 2022, which also judges that half of the households which receive it are not in a situation of energy poverty.

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