These traits make your zodiac sign extra sexy

The stars reveal a lot about a person’s erotic attraction. The fact is: every zodiac sign can be sexy – but in different ways. GALA tells you which quality makes you particularly attractive – so that nothing stands in the way of a love adventure.

Our zodiac sign reveals a lot about how we come across to other people. In fact, every zodiac sign has at least one quality that makes it particularly attractive! What makes Capricorn women attractive to others and what kind of sexiness do Leo women exude? GALA shows you how to score points with your counterpart!

Aries (03/21 – 04/20)

The passion
The impulsive, fiery and adventurous Aries is full of passion and sex appeal, which he knows how to use skilfully. With his self-confident and dominant manner, he quickly casts a spell over his opponent. Aries develop their own rules and know exactly what they want, so they don’t shy away from making the first move. Aries like to conquer! With their fighting spirit, remarkable energy and tireless perseverance, Aries get what they need. A quality that is extremely impressive to those around you.

Taurus (21.4.- 20.5.)

The sensuality
The bull impresses with its sensuality. Subtle touch and light physical contact make this earth sign approachable and attractive at the same time. Another plus point: bulls are present but not intrusive. You take it easy. Taurus impresses with naturalness and style. A deliberate sexiness that many men cannot resist!

Gemini (05/21 – 06/21)

The humor
Your communicative talent makes twins a real flirt master. They impress with wit and intellect. Geminis are particularly articulate, you can listen to them for hours and never get bored. He approaches other people with youthful ease. Geminis interact with their environment in a refreshing and playful way – a smart charm that hardly anyone can resist.

Cancer (22.6. – 22.7.)

The sentimental
Cancer is very sensitive, sensitive and subtle. You will search in vain for most crabs with loud teasing and deep necklines. The really big performance is far from him. Cancer convinces with hidden charm and sex appeal. The phrase “still water runs deep” probably applies to no zodiac sign as well as Cancer. He is reserved and has an extremely pleasant effect on his fellow human beings. Cancers appear innocent and have to be lured out of their reserves. They allow themselves to be conquered instead of themselves Taking the initiative Once the cancer has been cracked, an unforeseen side emerges – which astounds many.

Leo (23.7. – 23.8.)

The self-confidence
The lion loves the big entrance. He feels comfortable being the center of attention, he loves to be seen and heard. The energetic lion is the star at every party. Open and seductive, this sign of the zodiac struts through life. A lion is not afraid to show emotion and fascinates with its temperament. He brings every mood to a boil.

Virgo (24.8. – 23.9.)

The intelligence
Virgos are often described as dominated and controlled. They are rarely offensive. Nevertheless, it is not difficult for them to show their charms – albeit unintentionally. A quality that casts a spell over others. Also true: the sign of the zodiac convinces through intellect. And intelligence makes you sexy. But beware, virgins are unapproachable. If you’re not careful here, you’ll burn your fingers very quickly.

Libra (24.9. – 23.10.)

The sense of style
Libras tend to be reserved, but love the fine art of flirting. The Libra always behaves stylishly – which in turn creates a high level of attraction for the other person. The sign of the zodiac is particularly profound and empathetic. It quickly finds out when an admirer appears on the scene. With their positive nature and needing harmony, the Libra is a person you like to go out with. A Libra woman knows she’s a pleasure to show off.

Each sign of the zodiac is said to have qualities that fascinate other people

Each sign of the zodiac is said to have qualities that fascinate other people

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Scorpio (10/24 – 11/22)

The mysterious
The scorpion is described by his fellow human beings as mysterious and mystical due to his introverted, mostly closed nature. In fact, the Scorpio knows how to use his charms very precisely – and that makes him a real seducer. Its magical power of attraction to fellow human beings is enormous, once it falls under its spell, it is difficult to get rid of it again. You should be careful of this zodiac sign.

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

The spirit of adventure
With their incredibly charming and optimistic nature, Sagittarians wrap everyone around their fingers. With lightness, light-heartedness and unbridled enthusiasm, the free spirits appear particularly exciting and refreshingly sexy to their counterparts. Sagittarians’ positive nature often lures others into an exciting adventure.

Capricorn (22.12. – 20.1.)

The aloofness
Capricorns are shy and reserved, but they don’t go unnoticed. It is not uncommon for a Capricorn to enter the room and everyone to turn around. This sign of the zodiac stands out for its authority and strength. The Capricorn flirts subtly and controls, it is difficult for him to let go. He conveys security to his counterpart. The humorous and sharp-witted Capricorn is not easily disturbed by anything.

Aquarius (1/21 – 2/19)

The Charme
Aquarius knows how to flirt properly. He has that certain something without putting himself in the limelight. Aquarians are sexy and relaxed at the same time. The charm seems innate, the aura makes Aquarius a particularly attractive zodiac sign. An Aquarius woman is not easily forgotten.

Pisces (20.2. – 20.3.)

The romantic
Pisces are highly romantic and extremely sensitive. You don’t attract attention when flirting with loud comments, and you don’t seem pushy or staged. Her reserved, but at the same time protective nature makes her appear particularly sensual. They often appear unreachable. But be careful, no matter how loving and understanding Pisces are, they can also be different. This combination of restraint and bravado is unique.


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