these two very practical clothes forbidden to candidates


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Adaptation and deprivation in Koh-Lanta begin upstream of the issue. Candidates must follow strict rules to prepare their backpack.

Participating in Koh-Lanta requires great self-control and external elements. And above all, don’t be attached to comfort. The adventure show that has resumed with its 23rd regular season is still attracting as many contestants. The edition of cursed totem restarted on February 22 with events once again of a demanding level.

Adventurers are conditioned to live in autarky and with a minimum of means, even before setting foot in competition. Indeed, the production of Koh-Lanta allows them to take very few things with them and even prohibits them from anything that could be of the order of comfort. Especially when it comes to their dressing room.

Louana shared some details about the clothing restrictions imposed on candidates. “The list is very simple, short and rudimentary: a bathing suit, two pairs of socks, two pairs of shoes, a long-sleeved t-shirt, a short-sleeved t-shirt, a cap, a pair of sunglasses and, finally, a sweater as well as pants or leggings, whatever“, tells Louana to Buzz TV.

The list is quite short and precise. Candidates must clearly take the minimum and most practical to be able to be mobile and active during the tests.

No clothes offering more comfort in Koh-Lanta

In order to be fair with all the candidates, Koh-Lanta refuses to see in the luggage clothing or accessories making it possible to support more the living or weather conditions.

We are not allowed to bring technical things like a K-Way or waterproof socks…“, explains Louana again. The production checks and validates the backpacks before the departure of the candidates. Impossible to cheat on this point.

However, these few specific accessories would have allowed adventurers to better tolerate the torrential rains they regularly face. An additional difficulty for adventurers who had to manage daily humidity and constantly wet things.

Adventurers still have the right to access a basic first aid kit including, among other things, bandages, compresses, mosquito repellent, Biafine antiseptic, sunscreen and even condoms. For women, production also provides access to sanitary napkins and tampons.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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