These ultra rare names deserve to be better known

Not seduced by common first names such as Léa or Maxime? Perhaps you will be seduced by the very rare first names for girls or boys!

When the time comes to choose the name of your unborn baby, it may happen that none of them will please your eyes. And for good reason, maybe you haven’t looked in the right category. The first name being a very important element in a person’s life, it is better not to rush or make a choice out of spite. If the widespread first names do not particularly excite you, know that there are very rare first names, mostly unknown, but which, however, are nonetheless loaded with meaning and charm.

Without necessarily pushing in the “too” original, your choice of rare first name can relate to a strong meaning, an origin, the number of letters, a sound… You will have to determine the criteria which count the most in your eyes and to deepen your knowledge. research.

Regardless of your country of origin, it is quite possible to be led to agree on a first name from faraway lands. This one can make sense to you because of a trip that marked you or just please you for no particular reason.

Rare first names with multiple origins

European countries are certainly linked, but they are nonetheless very different and offer a wide choice of first names. Among the girls, we particularly fall for April and Lauriana. As for the boys, Sloane and Aiden stand out in particular.

If you want to go beyond our borders, to the African and Asian continents, discover first names such as Aylan, Hella or Rayana.

Discover our selection of ultra rare first names that deserve to be better known in France.