these unknown steps that you should also know

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Tweeting, smiling, walking, turning around… Key stages in a baby’s development, but there are many more! A pediatrician revealed all the unknown and yet very important stages.

When baby manages to turn around on its own, when it starts to crawl or even crawl, it is a great source of pride for parents and we know it since everyone asks: “At what age did he go crawling?” or “When did he sleep through the night?”. Parents constantly compare each other on the development of their children. A common practice that can be stressful, but always keep in mind that each child develops at their own pace. If we know most of these steps, some have remained in the shadows and yet they are just as important!

Two pediatricians maintain a Tik Tok account @thepedipals where they give lots of tips for parents. Doctor Sami and Doctor Ana do not hesitate to put themselves on stage to explain many things to parents in the simplest of ways. A few days ago, Doctor Sami posted a video where she lists all the milestones in child development that are overlooked.

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The important and yet unknown steps

The baby develops in different ways and apart from the stages that we all know, Doctor Sami explains that hiccups or very violent crying spells are certainly tiring but necessary. If your baby screams when he’s hungry or tired, don’t panic, that’s a good sign. The pediatrician explains: “Four months is that stage where they are super cute and smiling all the time, but they also grab your hair and won’t let go. A not very pleasant phase but it is also a good sign!

In addition, up to 4 years old, your child may have trouble eating, be possessive with their belongings, or even be unreasonable, but once again don’t panic, it is developing well. His little follies are also positive: “Between six and nine months, they start doing weird things that make you say, ‘Is this normal?’ Do they start shaking their heads all the time or sticking out their tongues? This is completely normal.” Tantrums are sometimes difficult to manage but ultimately they are necessary: “A lot of people think tantrums start when they’re two years old or older. But, honestly, they begin between 12 and 15 months. And this is an important step!”

When they grow up other signals show that they are growing well, the pediatrician gives several important steps: “Between 4 and 6 years old, they ask “Why?” for everything, and they talk nonstop”. Then between 9 and 11 years old, your child could show signs of anxiety even if it can be harmless and temporary, Doctor Sami advises: “Talk to your pediatrician, because if you don’t, it might slip your mind” At that age, they may also talk a lot about death, and that’s completely normal!

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What you must remember

Of course, it is important to follow the good development of your child, but you must avoid putting pressure on yourself on this subject. Doctor Sami says it well: “You know how the steps work. They will somehow all develop at their own pace. Then some of them skip some steps. It’s OK. So let’s avoid at all costs comparing your child to that of others, everyone does it at their own pace and we must avoid adding stress to the life of a parent. Don’t forget: “It doesn’t mean that children will go through exactly these stages” as the pediatrician explains. Sometimes you have to manage to take your pain patiently to realize that your child is continuing to develop at their own pace. And above all, if you have the slightest doubt about the good development of your child, do not hesitate to talk about it with your pediatrician. and ignore the comments of other parents!

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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