‘They don’t want immigrants’: Biden calls ally Japan ‘xenophobic’

“They don’t want immigrants”
Biden calls ally Japan “xenophobic”

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Recently, the US President revealed a cannibal legend about Papua New Guinea, causing confusion there. Now Biden is irritating with a statement about his ally Japan. The country is “xenophobic” – this is how he explains the problems of the island state.

US President Joe Biden has put the White House in need of explanation with an unflattering statement about G7 partner Japan. “You know, one of the reasons our economy is growing is you and many others,” Biden said at a campaign event. “Because we welcome immigrants. (…) Why is China faltering so much economically? Why is Japan having problems? Why Russia? Why India? Because they are xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants,” Biden continued at the event Wednesday evening (local time) in the US capital Washington. Japan is a country with relatively low immigration.

The USA and Japan are close partners and, alongside Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain and Canada, belong to the group of leading western industrial nations (G7). It was only in April that Biden received Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for a state visit.

The USA also has a close relationship with India; last summer, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a state guest in Washington. Biden is trying to counter China’s desire for power in the region and has therefore pushed partnerships with other countries such as India.

“Very derogatory word”

After Biden’s statements, the White House spokeswoman was peppered with questions from journalists about what exactly Biden had actually wanted to say. “The word xenophobic is a very derogatory and negative word, especially when used against an ally. Is that what he meant?” asked a journalist. The spokeswoman replied: “I think the president has made himself very clear.” She was then interrupted by the journalist: “He didn’t make himself very clear. That’s why we’re asking.”

The spokeswoman explained Biden’s comments: “He talked about who we are as a country, right? He talked about the importance of living in a country of immigrants.” That makes the USA stronger and that’s what Biden wanted to convey. She emphasized that the US relationship with Japan is important. “It’s a deep, lasting relationship.” Biden’s statements at the campaign event were of a more general nature.

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