Thirty years after its release, Doom goes ray tracing

For the science and beauty of the game, a modder brought ray tracing to DOOM. What transfigure the effects of light and shadows of the title of id Software… launched in 1993.

Adding ray tracing makes DOOM dashing like never before // Source: sultim_t via YouTube

Like Prometheus offering fire to men, sultim-t generously provides ray tracing to fans of DOOM. On GitHib, this modder uploaded a few days ago PrBoom: Ray Traced 1.0.2a mod that adds to id Software’s classic the dynamic highlights and classy shadows popularized by Nvidia. Almost 30 years after its release, the title thus benefits from a luster that it had never known, with an atmosphere greatly reinforced by the modernity of this almost anachronistic visual overlay.

This mod is of course accessible for free, but you will need compatible equipment to enjoy it. And unfortunately, not just any. At least not yet.

You have a recent Nvidia card?

As specified Engadget, this new mod for DOOM will not be as widely accessible as the game itself (playable on just about anything, even on very unexpected configurations). It is indeed necessary to have a recent Nvidia graphics card to take advantage of it. Understand by this that at this hour, sultim-t has not yet adapted its mod to AMD GPUs. And according to all logic, the first GPUs Intel ARCexpected very soon, will also not be supported.

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Either way, if you’re used to installing mods, adding ray tracing to DOOM shouldn’t be a problem for you. Note that you still need an original Doom.wad file to be able to carry out the operation. You also need the PrBoom source port, available at this address. Once the installation is complete, the first three episodes of the game will be illuminated like never before for the greatest pleasure of your eyes.

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