This AI looks you in the eyes and guesses your heart health

A startup has developed a non-invasive method to detect the first signs of cardiovascular diseases, among others. Just let an AI look you in the eye.

Eye scan
Credits: 123RF

At the age of 4, Ehsan Vaghefi’s father, CEO and co-founder of the startup Tokulost his sight following a congenital glaucoma. A disease that gradually causes blindness in the worst cases. As Ehsan grew up, he considered going into medicine to help people in the same situation as his father, but changed his mind along the way. “Early on, I understood that if I became a doctor, I would be limited by the number of hours in my day, and I made it my mission to bring health to as many people as possible through technology and of innovation,” he explains.

He then specialized in heart-related technologies, without forgetting his father’s eye disease. Ehsan Vaghefi founded Toku in 2019 based on the links demonstrated between glaucoma and heart disease. In other words, By examining a patient’s eyes, we can get an idea of ​​their cardiovascular health. This is how he and his team develop CLAiR, a platform boosted with artificial intelligence integrated into a retinal scanner.

AI can scan your eyes for signs of heart disease

Thanks to the power of AI, CLAiR identifies the signals given by blood vessels after performing a retinal scan. According to Toku, the system then puts 20 seconds For calculate the risk of cardiovascular disease in the patient,hypertension or even cholesterol too high. The big advantage is that CLAiR integrates perfectly with existing devices. We can therefore perform the analysis during a simple routine eye examat the optician or even in a pharmacy.

This is not the first time that artificial intelligence has entered the medical sector. That of Google, for example, easily passed her medical degree. The ChatGPT conversational robot, for its part, managed to make a diagnosis that 17 practitioners had not found. There Mental Health is not to be outdone, and we can see virtual therapist projects coming up to help people feel better when they have the blues. Toku would like its CLAiR platform to hit the market towards the end of 2025.

Source: TechCrunch

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